
一切按照着十多年前拟定的计划进行……如今到了较关键的时刻。资政那里毕恭毕敬递了情况,如老早所书,如今的局势并不是反对资政党,而是执政党已经不是课题之中的问题,因为接下来的是在执政党外决定哪一方胜出接替资政党;多行不义必自毙,千古之训,怎么执政党就真的那么野蛮不受教化?但这也有好处,与其一点点慢慢失去政权,还不如一下子失去民心,速战速决,老夫也不用浪费那么多时间等。李资政千算万算也算不到关键就在老夫。如今执政党每况愈下,Yam Ah Mee才接手PA就捅出那么大的娄子。就老夫对Yam Ah Mee的认识,在LTA时,他也把LTA搞到天翻地覆,在他调任PA时老夫就料定PA一定会出事儿。这个Yam Ah Mee和吕德耀差不多,没什么用就只会盲目砍人。

连陈庆炎也不好直接力挺PA的问题,而Yam Ah Mee也完全没有善后的本事或准备。PA和工人党的纠纷,PA自己越描越黑。最可笑的是,这些白痴选择在总统大选期间开打。这就是现在的情况,估计资政心里也很不好受,面子都让PA给撕破了。陈庆炎的选战也在PA和其子的问题下连40%都达不到。按照这位李小龙总理的‘任人唯贤’,执政党不死也难。陈庆炎是个重量级的老手,更是传闻当年本可当总理的人选,此番代表PAP出战……若连55%都达不到,若连老夫寄望的40%都达不到……PAP岌岌可危;这一届既然老夫不在朝,百事不兴,类似Yam Ah Mee的PA那种乱七八糟的问题……在届满时,PAP的支持率能剩下多少是很有趣的。






老夫估计,行动党的政治资本其实已经耗得七七八八了。Josephine想用行动党‘古时’的成绩来给自己贴金,那么老夫就看看你Josephine有多少本事儿。总统选举已经很明显展现了NTUC的实力。其实在王鼎昌离开后,所谓的工会不就是连着Sheng Sheong超市这类败类要侵吞巴杀小贩饭碗的混蛋机构?恕老夫直言……其实已经名存实亡多年。这次Yam Ah Mee的战开得好啊,让PA一朝被毁,日后的选举执政党就不用选了。


别忘了,虎视眈眈总理宝座的……还有其余大小政党,加上执政党过户出去的‘人才’会分布在各个其余政党内。所以工人党如今虽然看起来很正,但稍微步执政党的后尘就万事休矣。我在看Yahoo新闻的一片文章时捧腹大笑(http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporescene/unexpected-benefit-workers-party-133409012.html)。理由很简单,其涉及了‘loyalty’,也就是效忠。这个‘忠’字就是拖垮了行动党难得神化似的发迹和过去的政绩为基础的崛起……老夫需要Yam Ah Mee或那个吕德耀的忠心吗?老夫要这些没用的人干什么?行动党的前车之鉴无论任何党接手政权都是必须铭记在心的。天下能者居之,唯举贤纳才不断才能永保天下太平,才能坐拥天下。老夫不是说过了,秦始皇就是给那个‘忠’字搞到家破人亡,断子绝孙。




老夫在找时机找泥可虾小妹妹‘约会倾诉’之时,也在观望一件意料之中应该会发生的小事儿……那就是一些才俊组织新的政党……为老夫所用。没有这些踏板老夫如何迈入国会,老夫学富五车通天的实力如何展现?老夫若不能处理国事儿又如何名留青史?比及SPP……老夫在十年前早就计算了这个。因为Chiam老爷子未必会那么慷慨扶老夫一把,加上如今满街血腥味儿浓,一大堆类似Hazel Pao的‘高才生’、有钱人也会蜂拥而入。政治投机最佳的时刻莫过于如今。至于工人党……老夫当年见过刘阿强……不知道如今成长得如何。呵呵呵~主要的是,如今的工人党已经有一定的基础,一块踏板百人争。Eric Tan的问题是存在的;这些都是实际考虑。虽然工人党此类问题没有行动党厉害……但是不得不虑。老夫从行动党退休出来……而跳入一个困死自己的坑?所以工人党加不加入,得慎重考虑。加上老友在那里当议员……失败乃成功之母,成功乃失败之父,如今要是个个工人党员以为不日工人党将执政……不知道是不是适合老夫。


政治不是赌博,宁缺勿滥,不能随便行事。否则就成了那个混球Chia Ti Lik II。而且兴隆目前在帮刘阿强撑着后港老窝,如此屁股还没坐热,要是此时加入就变成同校聚会……我毕竟是中立派人士,赞成反对都须章法。







良禽择木……对我们这类人,自古的第一问题。像那个李斯,在鲁国是死定了,但到了秦国就当了第一谋士帮秦始皇吞并了六国统一了中原。刘阿强未必是刘备。反正政务积压已经日久,那些部长正帮着总理搞砸问题开空头支票,就观察一下工人党再行定夺。而且如今Jee Say在民主党,要是他能镇得住民主党的问题,那里也可能是个好去处。天下已纷乱,正是老夫崛起最好的时机。有本事儿的人还需要天时地利人和。



















看够了……不想再看下去了。老夫希望他老爷子也看够了,也明白了情况……也知道这就是未来。所谓英雄所见略同……我只能相信他明白老夫不得不考虑过户。这点是必须的。因为我的工作不是为了党争;TMD争来争去,撕破了的还是国家的脸,国家的前途。可以这么说,老夫也是没什么选择的。难道希望国家发生内战?或更多议员被暴力对待?Rajaretnam的好友就是工人党的祖宗David Marshal,我至少不愿意为了党派而树敌,这是很无聊的。其实无论哪个党,能利民兴邦就是好党。无论黑猫白猫,能捉老鼠的就是好猫。











  1. cicada
    Posted September 8, 2011 at 4:28 am | Permalink

    Firstly send my greetings to the respected Mr Elfred. Good to hear that your son is doing well and that your search for the one is still progressing. Not hearing your views and perspective, while only hearing those from the headless flies from ST and internet for months really chill my bones and drive me nuts.

    the few critical points u pointed out hits every nail sharply on the head. platforms are but vehicles, no matter how good the vehicles or are, without a good driver it cannot get anywhere. no matter how bad the vehicle is, with a skilled and right soul, nothing cannot be achieved. Thus meeting and analysing the quality of the soul is most crutial. the soul may not be perfect, there may be defects as all humans have defects.. but the will to bring peace to the realm must be intact. Xiao bai (qi huan gong), liu bang, qin xiao gong are such characters. I understand and feel for your predicament that at the moment, no one of such distinction has appear on the arena. But you need to persever, a big tree grows from a single seed. The ordinary people see the trees but not the seed. Persons of big talents knows the seed from the chaff. All needs to be determine from your private meetings with the cheiftans.

    To gather talents and set up your own flag is not impossible but .. hard. firstly and most crucially min xin. the population is a stubborn mule. they know not what is good for them. they rather believe a known devil than follow a new angel. To win following, liu bang’s kill snake start reballion fable may be considered but yet today’s communication is dis-similar from that thousands of years ago. the currently trusted platforms is not only restricted to WP and PAP, there are neutral party or old dong liang who still have some trust from the silly people. at least i noticed Tan Cheng Bock did gather some significant trust from the people. Looking this way may yield a little headway?

    These few months are indeed running gushing currents beneath still water. For me personally, I have no ability to see the currents nor the interest any more to care. yet some question about the pace of change lingers in my mind. The situation may be bad.. the people may be in turmoil. Heaven’s delievery and rain dews are never prompt. when xia dynasty gone into decay.. it took tens of years of misery and a complete neglect and abuse to allow the legitimacy for wen wang to rise up. qin’s butally also did not creat a xin tian di immediately.. even zhang liang recognise killing qin yin zheng in one stroke cannot immediately bring relieve to the people..and need tens of years at least thus.. has the pace of heaven changed in today’s world? Hope you may consider this and enlighten the mis-informed me.

    Otherwise, I wish you every success and hope u meet good divine help along the way.. otherwise do let us know and post a “abandon ship” notice.. We know what to do then..

    Do have a pleasent day , weeks and months . God speed.

  2. Posted September 10, 2011 at 5:34 am | Permalink

    Ah Cicada…

    I thot I have driven off the chatters, yet you are still around. Amazing.
    I am slowly making this a historical site of record and moving the main activities to the other blog and the facebook. That blog is designed as a front of no credibility but with my ugly face available… which is, it is a mirage but owned by the face that is only belonging to one person in this world. Hence the facebook account.

    I am not thinking about starting my own party… In real… I am thinking that another PAP should come by. This current PAP has become rotten, unable to perform; and now… checking the grounds, the projected support is less than 50%, which is risky thing to really stand for election with the PAP as well. It’d be a gamble. Besides, I can run the MOE very well… alongside with other ministries but… I must confess, running a party and heading a gahmen is not my forte.

    I am seeing the fight between PAP and WP and the online media… and enjoying it.

    As planned… there is no need to fall out with the PAP nor be hostile to Mr Lee Kuan Yew… It seems that the PM is not going to change course (like how? Hahahahahahahahaha…), so the future for PAP is definite. And I have put in sufficient effort to the PMO to make clear that I am not going to oppose them… I am ‘working outside’ of the gahmen as the situation would allow… where the situation is, the rise of opposition.

    My old friend, Yaw, has rejected a meetup with me, which is ok. Maybe WP doesn’t need ole Elfred. Hahahahahahahahahaha… But it doesn’t matter, the route just get abit longer, and I can’t appreciate the beautiful of an aging Glenda Han. That’s all.

    I am afraid the issue is not so simple as you like it to be.

    For the hypochondriac disorder, CDC has placed me on MC and grants… so I am hoping to get a placement of job, while meantime… waiting for the inevitable. Everything must go with the script. I have a few more months before I checked Nicole out… The most important is, I need Lee Kuan Yew to realise what I am doing, and… I am not his enemy, and what I want is better off for him and for everybody. Hahahahahahaha…

    As for love… … I am… going to divorce my wife, because she has gone too far… but… You should realise I am that kind of man… with too much a heart. I still love her, but I can’t tolerate her anymore. And the appearance of the destined woman… is still a problem. But love is love, politics is politics… I am beginning to explore the oppositions… for talents. Cheng Bock… He is known to be Chok Tong’s man, I am not sure if I can trust him. Because in order to succeed, in the end… even if Cheng Bock is now independent, he might end up negotiating with Chok Tong’s faction. As for Jee Say… …

    Jee Say is gathering Nicole and a couple people, it seems… but I doubt Jee Say will bother about me, which is… if he cannot govern and I join him, and I can’t be a minister, Singapore is going to be wasted.

    I reckon… the next Lee Kuan Yew to assemble the men I need and the party I can join might take some time… Or… I may have to work with one of the existing but… very weak platform and make an attempt. Curse the PAP for being so crazy… Hahahahahahahahahahaha…

    Right now, I am more or less entertained by Obama’s struggle… and the global economics.

    Too many issues… If I don’t make it… I will have to abandon ship. This ship… is heading for a major disaster.

    As for the oppositions… more parties formed… more sharks smelling the blood, means inevitably an internal struggle even for the WP. Since… there are only 80 over seats, and now… so many contenders. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

    Fine… Welcome back, Cicada.

  3. Gate5(午门)
    Posted September 15, 2011 at 6:24 am | Permalink




  4. Posted September 15, 2011 at 10:47 am | Permalink

    其实……执政党并非气数已尽,不过依照总理的才能,可以说是很快将气数已尽。老夫曾经谈过,兵临城下若有大将还是可以尝试勉强杀破敌阵取喘息之机,重新布局。但目前而言,总理手下原本就是跳梁小丑,后来又来了些乱七八糟的‘人才’,这届又加了一批添乱的。就算手中有白起在世……那是负面受敌,很难。行动党内部的党争还有需要治理国家的实力还要应付百姓中的杂乱之声和反对党的偷袭,这些都是行动党如今必败的因。没有大将,那些machinery各自为政;这次PA搞到那么‘轰轰烈烈’绝对不比那个Lee May Hwa和中国教练时逊色。



    李光耀先生说的国会两派分庭抗礼,其实是不重要的。如今不是两派,而是百姓一旦出现抗争局面,行动党只有被推翻,绝对不可能会有执政反对党两排鼎立的情况。Party Whip就定下了本国的政治情况。国会只会有一个总理,只有一个方向。没有可能,即便是51%也好,行动党不可能会支持反对党的动议,因为有Party Whip。所以,一旦出现这类局面……那就是鱼死网破,你死我亡,绝对没有所谓的two parties situation。

    现在就是这个问题,因为从老夫的观点……若要大展拳脚,那就必须有一个绝对精英云集的派系扶持,以应付多角战 ……然后入主国会,然后凭真材实料区治理好这个国家,那么新加坡的大局就定了。如今,工人党若还是不出手,不取代执政党……或……根本没有实力取代执政党治理新加坡,那么就会有其他政党崛起,那么小小的新加坡就会到处都是多角战,直到一方胜出,或工人党接替了行动党但如老夫老早说过的,它完全无法管理国家,就会迅速成为众矢之的,然后灭亡。然后老夫加入的派系在国民需要治理的时机迅速崛起。





    目前……呵呵呵呵呵~就连NSP那个Alex Tan也自诩是诸葛亮一般……才高八斗啊~老夫……真的无语。









  5. Gate5(午门)
    Posted September 19, 2011 at 8:43 am | Permalink


    逐鹿中原?我自认还没那个本事…但也认为自己不逊于Alex Tan,强过钉子灵…只要有好主帅就一定逐鹿中原。

  6. Posted September 19, 2011 at 5:12 pm | Permalink



    如今的问题是根本无人能掌管各部,也无人知道如何进取,更无大将应付民间(包括网上)的滋扰。如今连Alex Tan也当起了诸葛亮……哈哈哈哈哈哈~老夫干脆随便丢一个部给Alex看他怎么扛。说永远都是简单的;有没有实力,你能扛就是能扛,其他的根本无所谓。他年少气盛,不懂事儿。老是与网民一般见识,怎么可能是诸葛亮?呵呵呵~还需要多历练历练,但未宠已骄,那可是……呵呵呵~


    加上新加进来的一大堆‘人才’,真是请神容易送神难。这个总理不垮也难。有脑子的总理怎么会调Yam Ah Mee这类人到PA去?老实说,现在如何能让总理独立?让总理独立不就让他去死一般……














    你要是想逐鹿中原,也是情理之中的。你都觉得比Alex Tan强,不输那钉子灵,午门兄看来也是虎视眈眈啊!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~届时老夫还得请您关照关照。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~



  7. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 1, 2011 at 2:15 pm | Permalink

    Hi all,I’m back for quite a while but taking things easy as the world and the little reddot called home is upside down.

    Told by health pracitioners to take it easy, no point worrying for a nation that believes that foreigners are better and we have to be cheaper,faster & better to compete.Fuuuck!!! is that the best the IDIOTS can come up with????

    President Tony Tan???? ok lah! and El we were not wrong the stupid looking blinker lost his deposit.Hope that will the last we see of his antics.

    Give me your thoughts my young friend and keep me in the loop on what are your plans for this gonna be God forsaken HOLE if nothing changes for the better for its tru blu citizens.

    early to bed to stay healthy and how is your pencil? and pow pi (litle terror)

  8. Posted November 3, 2011 at 10:57 am | Permalink

    Hmmm… Even you are back.

    Given that Greece is in trouble, I calculated that I should have at least 2 years… I have hoped to go over there and… help out. Of course, I doubt Mr Lee Kuan Yew would OR can send me there. If he is not snobbish and will push me over to Greece, I can guarantee you Greece will be ok soon, and I’d be officially free from this stupid island.

    Fine. I KNOW how to redo Greece’s economy politically.

    As expected… several useable people are ‘exempted’ in SDP, I am still observing Nicole Seah… So I am checking Jee Say’s move… To be honest… I don’t like Jee Say to form a party with these spare parts… But if he does… Then might as well let them fight. But this coming is definitely one election that I can be involved in… IF a viable party can be a viable vehicle. Otherwise, it’d be the natural course of shark fightings… I expect the sharks to come in force this round.

    I have also been checking ground sentiments… Not very good for PAP.

    I have got into touch with Yaw. But I think he changed… and won’t be a useful element for WP or myself.

    I got some contacts to ‘observe’ the infightings and possible useful elements within the incumbent and the oppositions.

    Basically… It’s still best if Lee Kuan Yew can successfully… introduce me into the Greek situation. Fuck~ NOBODY can fix the deal, but me.

    He can try…

    After Obama… I am more than unwilling to aid USA… although USA’s situation can still be savaged with the next new President.

    Ie. Since my original plan was to work in China for two years before going to Europe for employment… Now… I am looking to go direct to Europe…

    And kang tao will be appreciated.

    Sound delusional… if you don’t think on the same scale… but Greece is a nice ticket for me out of this well of toads… If PAP hates me, I welcome them to dump me there… Hahahahahahaha…

    As for my baby… He is really ‘diagnoised’ to be smart. But he is weak… and currently sick. Given… since there is no immediate need to divorce, I plan to divorce my wife when the baby is three… or I simply left and let them in Singapore.

  9. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 3, 2011 at 9:14 pm | Permalink

    Morning my young friend,I see you have not change,still trying to save the world,well good luck and I wish you the best in everything you do with God’s blessing.

    As for me,time is running out unlike MM who seems to want to live forever.And why not with his FORTUNE.

    My generation is fading out fast and the PAP had done a good job in replacing them with new migrants, intergrate,assimilate call it what you want a nation of migrants????.Good luck to the new migrants when they grey but at least in this new world they can still return to where they came from.As for my unsuccesful and less educated generation? just rot and be not seen as you are no longer useful.

    El, I decided to pull up stakes as there is no longer any feelings of home when I return,too many strangers with foreign tounges not dialects like it once was.So I may as well be a stranger in another land.At least I have my family and friends around me with a language I can understand.

    $400,000 for a 3 roomer in place of an annexed 1 room in my new home down under is a great trade off with my daughter and family.

    Farewell my friend and all the stayers,I am no quitter but a retiree fading into the sunset with fond memories of this little Red Dot which was once home.

  10. Posted November 4, 2011 at 3:05 am | Permalink

    Technically speaking… if I get to work the Greece situation, I am saving myself. But even if I do not get to help… I’d eventually be able to export myself. It’s only a matter of time… and patience.

    What is happening to you? Prostate cancer???

    So you have migrated.

    Just as well… I think if you have gone through the recent parliament… the height of ridiculous jokes… …

    We already have a very ridiculous batch of people in parliament the other round, and this election adds even more ridiculous jokers when the situation is falling apart.

    I must hands in to Mr Lee. He’s really crazy.

    So now we have to wait for a new group to appear… the new ‘PAP’ of this era.

    As the people is discarding the incumbent…

    As PM is going to issue empty cheques later…

    Marvelous time to rise and take over.

    Still, I hope to ‘serve’ Greece, and become part of it.

    Since you have migrated, I wish you well but also… I must warn you that the area around Australia won’t be geographically friendly… for your $400,000 retirement investment… if you live long enough. Japan is going to destroyed.

    Well… I have a foul mouth… if I said, you should take note. Hahahahahahaha…

    My concern is not with the foreign influx… With good management, influx is never an issue. My concern is still Singaporeans… the society sucks. And Heng is wasting time at MOE.

    PAP… They have taken things for granted too long. If you heard Hawazi’s bullshitting on Education, you’d know the future.

    So~ We wait. Usually around such time… power struggle is one thing, the rise of a viable party should be round the corner.

    I am watching the elements loose from SDP… they ain’t the best, but they can be savaged…

    After all, the brain is me, not them. I only need them to form a platform…

  11. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 4, 2011 at 5:49 am | Permalink

    CANCER that dreaded word where all hospitals and specialists makes their MILLIONS.Should I hve cancer I will leave it to nature and God to do their thing.The CREATOR creats and all creatures succumbs to His will as the Nature of things.Who are we mere mortals to say I have the cure or I am able to cure you?

    Steve Job with all his wizadry and billions succumb to the big C at 50+, others may be lucky but are on borrowed time.At 67 I had lived a good life another five to ten should suffice.

    “God give(create) and God takes(destroy)away” quote:from book of Job( not by Steve but a bible writer).

    However bad down under it can never be worse than what it is here at the REDDOT.

    Absolutely correct,remove clowns and sent in more CLOWNS ha!ha!ha! how man??? MOE is a joke, MOND is a bigger joke with the $8.00 man in charge and retaining the minister without porfolio is the biggest joke of all allowing him to rebut Low of WP in parliament and got himself rebutted with a one liner from Low. He not only look but sound idiotic on TV.

    I use to get a high on local politics as this was my home but not anymore.Whatever time I have balance is best spend with my family and long lost friends down under where bliss is more commonly found than stress.

  12. Posted November 4, 2011 at 2:56 pm | Permalink

    Missed that part… But the rise of WP does worry me. If Low Thia Khiang’s thinking is to waste time and ensure WP is the biggest opposition nia… He is already this old, and WP is still like shit, can’t govern. This cannot be. Sylvia has also wasted time on happiness index, and like Tin Tin, Mrs Chiam also talked about this and that but… I don’t see an inkling of what to do in that direction.

    Khaw’s failure is expected. What is not expected is in such a time, the Lees are willing to fool around with human resource. It’s ridiculous. I mean… if you have alot of political capital, the country is well governed and people has been happy with the performance as in the 80s, ok… you can try one Khaw, let him fail and you have backup plan to savage for the people.

    But fuck…

    Now almost every ministry is stuck, the party is like shit, the parliament has only kicked that clueless Olsen away, and we still have useless bums like Lee Bee Wah and Josephine and a whole slew of nutcases… and you slot one of the biggest failures into MND, and it doesn’t need high IQ to know Gan is not going to work better than Khaw in medical care, Yacob can’t even handle media development, Lui is messing up the transport, and Heng… Heng and Lawrence are obviously going nowhere in MOE, they CAN’T manage that ministry, so no reform, and MOM is stuck.


    It’s totally hopeless. I now pray for a miracle that Mr Lee will send me to aid those Greeks… Hahahaha… Then I’d be free!!! Free from an island of Morons!

    It’s ridiculous… when ministers said… if Singapore is so bad, why foreigners are rushing in?

    If Singapore is so good, why Mr Goh CT’s daughter don’t come back? Why Yacob has his family in the States? Why not just finish every shit with NUS?

    These ‘leaders’ are taking money, making excuses, and slapping themselves.

    I just don’t understand this PM… is he out of his mind? Now even such weak opposition people can break into parliament…

    Then… all those excused issues in the past suddenly got issues…

    I can understand. When I moved to China, I totally forget about the craps in Singapore. It’s a curse that my wife who committed adultery came back that time… Baaaaaaaaah~

    Now one Mah is gone from the cabinet… tons of Mahs are grooming and nurtured for the coming rounds. This is the end for PAP.

    I don’t see what would change… despite BG Yeo yelled that.

    Fucking land of no opportunities. Hahahahahahahahaha…

    Well… If Lee Snr is not bothered about seeing Lee Jnr to his demise… I am not him. I love my son…

    Hopefully he’d get well soon…

    My MC for hypochondriac is over by Dec. Hopefully I’d find a job and meet a babe along the way who’d love him as well. Life goes on.

  13. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 5, 2011 at 12:38 am | Permalink

    Just the mere mention of the names in parliament gives me the CREEPS,for the millions in salary they are collecting themselves a bunch of morons & idiots,well I suppose if you don’t you may not look good, as the saying goes “In the land of the BLIND the one eyed man is the KING” that is what I suppose is the wingless dragon’s philosophy.Have idiots & morons around you and you will look good.Ha!ha!ha!.

    Right,when you leave,there is absolutely no interest at all in what is happening politics or economics and even the less privilege a sad insight to what would had been a great and caring nation ‘out of sight out of mind’

    Yes there are poor and less privilege down under but the happiness index is high and stress index is low,there lies the difference albiet the occasional racists you meet(we have that too don’t we?)

    It will be another six weeks before we wind up and leave for a truly “Merry X’mas”with family & friends, unlike the artificial facet @ Orchard Road(no offence for those who enjoys the lightup)

    As for you my young friend,I hope and PRAY you will find the happiness that have been eluding you and hopefully your son will grow up wise and strong like ‘Chu Geliang’?

  14. Posted November 5, 2011 at 3:35 am | Permalink

    We are living in an era where the incumbent has mal-performed too much too long with too much fixings and craziness… and a time when groups of people will start moving into politics to challenge the rot. Among these challengers will be political opportunists, jokers who don’t know how to govern but seek to enter the parliament or leadership positions.

    Meritocracy has killed PAP… but before PAP is killed and removed, there is no chance to fix meritocracy, and tons of ivy leagues Mah and shits will flood the government. It’s also why we need to start the reform starting with MOE. Common sense.

    I totally believe Mr Lee Kuan Yew has no idea of the political contingency the last election. And I don’t think Tony is a reliable president to ‘care for the people’. He’s bureacrat, that’s all.

    It’s sad… but with governance like shit… social woes will only get bigger and even the economy will be like a dangling piece of shit. Without calibre, the govt won’t be able to perform miracle. So…

    It’s a very tough era for Singapore… a dark moment for the political history of Singapore. If this is what Lee Kuan Yew wants for his son, he’s getting it. Hahahahahaha…

    Understandably… Khaw and gang will fail, then another PAP bunch of failures will take over them. PAP’s impression to the people… the calibre will be more or less fixed. Meritocracy will ensure this path.

    So much for domestic affairs.

    Mr Lee once said if Singapore is heading for trouble, he’d climb from the coffin and bla bla bla… I really think he is sleeping. It’s obvious. Else how can the parliament now filled with so many useless jokers when dire need of reform is pending with Singapore in a critical situation?

    Singapore’s game is lost… So now, it’d be gradually a period of political uncertainty before the next PAP that works move into the historical stage.

    Everyone wants power… even Tin Tin can be leader… Fuck… big fuck. Hahahahahahahahaha…

    So many things to do… yet we must idle. Such is the evil of this govt and meritocracy.

    That’s why… if I can go over to aid Greece, I’d be happy like fuck. The local society is really shit… serving a pile of shit is not exactly my ambition.

  15. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 5, 2011 at 12:54 pm | Permalink

    To be frank, LKY brought this shit upon himself.Has he forgotten that he came to power on the back of dedicated ordinary men and peers with better if not par on grey matter between the ears???

    What we have today are a breed of ivy leagues bookish blokes that follow the rules and are beholden to their superiors,reminded over and over again if they happen to be SAF or President scholars if not import them TOTALLY beholden.

    So what do you get????? this FUCKING lot,the previous lot and future lots starting with the wingless dragon.

    Baaaaah!!!! enough lah,want to vomit when I think and watch them on TV,fucking sick if you ask me as compared to the politicians you see on TV in Britain & Australia with similar parliamentary system.

    I am not pro WHITES or Western meritocracy but our meritrocacy brings out ROBOTIC SHITS yuuuuks!!!! we once had parliamentarians who were true MPs in the likes of the old guards and the ever long winded Dr. Lee Siew Choh,Marshall etc etc……..no point lamenting,like my daughter says ‘Dad don’t change the world,that was the world you live in just enjoy your retirement.

  16. Posted November 5, 2011 at 1:24 pm | Permalink

    I am not comparing them to Britain or Australia. We can’t compare like that because I personally don’t find those two places well as well.

    Basically, if we simply compare the two versions of PAP it’s enough. What I actually want was, yes, the old version was good but flawed, and should be built better… But yes. Mr Lee Kuan Yew messed it up big time because of human resource messed-up. In the end, everyone for himself herself on a pile of barren rocks… and you see what we see.

    The kampong self-regulation and self-help spirit is killed conveniently for a pile of numbers… and political stability taken for granted so long is now shaking with the rise of opportunists.

    You do not need to be brilliant, because your PAP opponents are no better or even worse. And it’s not one or two terms… it’s a TRADITION that useless people came in and fool around with power.

    I can almost bet with you that I am the ONLY chap in Singapore who can handle reform.

    Now, I have big plans for Greece if Mr Lee miraculously dump me into Greece and their govt is really willing to prosper.

    It’s thus very important somehow that I get to ‘kpo’ in the governance of Greece, because if I don’t… here it goes. If the Greeks are serious in saving themselves, they should demand me from Singapore’s govt. That’d help them and me.

    You are still using Maxonline, so I suppose you are still around…

    Whatever… Hahahahahahahahaha… This is Singapore.

  17. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 5, 2011 at 4:57 pm | Permalink

    My line is under someones account, and I am not saying that you are the one comparing,its me who felt that way. The Reddot has lost its bearing and LKY is mainly to be blame.

    You are absolutely right on all counts but than what the heck are you doing about it? instead you want to go Greece to solve their problems.

    The kampong spirit is fading like my generation. What is there now is what you have stated above and I sincerely hope there are many your age who will think likewise or like the Titanic the reddot will sink and leave behind a memory in Sands Resort where the memories of the Titanic is being displayed,ha!ha!ha! how ironical can it be.

    While there is still time to chat till b4 x’mas,lets hear some other comments or maybe like me they have given hope and saying Que Sera Sera.

  18. Posted November 6, 2011 at 1:55 am | Permalink

    Unless anyone else think he or she can resolve Greece’s problem… I suppose I am the ONLY chap who can… They are going to pump in money… good money after bad, that’d give Greece about two years; but like Italy and Spain, the old game is still the same. They will still need a professional to keep both their welfare and get into the black.

    I know this sounds delusional, and even laughable. But to me… Greece needs me, I need Greece.

    To be honest, I am losing interest in an island of disgusting toads.

    Greece’s problem is not really that serious; what they need is to inject new economic pivots, open up certain things, and fund the subsidies… China is going to blow, Reddot. Hahahahahahahaha… You have to know the implications of all this. Mr Lee should try to inject me into Greece… it’d be a good thing he does before he passes away. I don’t want to waste my time in Singapore when I can do something.

    What am I going to do about Singapore? What should I do?

    This incumbent is only interested in bringing in useless elements and mess up the place. The oppositions… although I expect a vehicle to appear but it’s a random. And if the vehicle does not appear now, we will have to go through the period of shark infestation before the crush of the Titans as I have said. It’d be too long, and I am losing patience. Greece now need me, Reddot. Even with fresh funds, they won’t last. EU is on the verge of collapse. If Mr Lee sends me, and Greece keeps me, I’d do up Greece and I’d be part of the Greeks. Singapore got Tin Pei Ling… Singapore got Josephine… Singapore got a whole bunch ‘talents’.

    But Greece needs me. If desperate enough, if they offer a bounty, I’d be the mercenary. Why not?

    Look at Singapore… They are only interested to groom nutcases, loonies, snobs… and then you see this PM… he stuck himself and he continues to stuck himself further by adding morons in.

    I bet even Lee Kuan Yew expects his son to issue empty cheques… He’s old, but not exactly stupid. You really think he expects Khaw, Gan and the slew of MPs to work? Hahahahahahahahahaha…

    Your hope is tough, many of my age won’t have the ability to even understand the governance issue WORLDwide, and how to handle the crisis on state level. I am unique, one and only, Reddot. Admit it. That’s why I am stuck. This island is moronic. Meritocracy is about making like easy for morons and life tough for capable people.

    This is a place for politics and governance, so it’s not on hope, it’s on interest. If there is any hope of attaining anything, pray for a platform to come soon. As for the others online… most of them are morons of a moronic society. Hahahahahahahaha…

    If Greece is reading this: If you are interested to de-stuck, help yourselves by helping me.

    Reddot, I am now more interested to see Singapore moved into political instability when I observe far far away with my lemonade. Hahahahahahahaha…

    Seriously, Singaporeans have become impossible. They really need the punishment… not a great leader.

  19. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 6, 2011 at 3:22 am | Permalink

    Lightning, thunder and howling wind from above starting 3.00am till the early hours depriving me of my walk.What the F….. and on a Sunday too.

    The very mentioned of Tin,Josephine and Bee Bee send shivers down my spine.Bad enough we have Khaw,LSS,and a host of male Idiots but T,S & B takes the cake(at least Eunice is a sight for sore eyes)

    Today Wei Ling wrote about her father’s new disease which she believe he will combat with whatever he has and may I ask what is that to a man who has and had done enough? but nothing seem to be enough for him.

    Is the fear of DEATH so dreadful that he will work himself to death???? denying himself the joy of life & living in preparation for DEATH.

    The Greeks produce the greatest philosophers,armies the ancient world had ever known and yet today like the Romans of Italy they are detiorating,what a shame.

    Ya, maybe they need Singapore’s Chu Geliang aka Elfred to solve their problems ha!ha!ha!

  20. Posted November 6, 2011 at 6:22 am | Permalink

    Laugh as you might, Singapore is also going into bonkers; it’s just that Greece comes earlier. Just because Indonesia got corruption with Charity and Mr Lee laughed didn’t mean Singapore own Charity is not heading for disaster.

    The Greek’s way of life is definitely more colorful than Singapore’s via the culture passed down… It’d be wonderful to spend part of my life down there appreciating the beauty of mankind… plus wonderful babes. Hahahahahaha…

    They ain’t really deteriorating, they have never been properly backed up with the world changing. That’s why I am looking to see if there is a chance, however slight it could be, to get myself involved. It’s either they choose chaos, or they choose me.

    I didn’t catch that part about Wei Ling. But I do expect Mr Lee to have a disease… His body doesn’t look right of late. He is basically dragging… It’d better off for him to get himself occupied; but it’s a sin that I am idling, because in this new age, I am the New Father of Singapore. Hahahahahahaha…

    Whichever the case, both GE and PE show very well the anti-PAP sentiment has reached a comfortably interesting point.

    Looks like the faster route for me won’t be around and I’d have to lurk for the ‘team’…

    This parliament is full of craps. You see it, I see it, even Lee Kuan Yew is seeing it. I am trying to entertain myself by finding Mah Bow Tan’s speech… Hahahahahahahahaha…

    Bloody hell… Sad but true, PAP has produced too much craziness through the decades with all the funny excuses… failed excuses which don’t even make cow sense to try cover things up.

    Will be going down to CDC again to seek jobs, then meet a fine woman… then prepare for migration.

    Currently, I am watching the more violent moves of the world.

    Time changes… Now Singapore produces the world best thinker, that’s me. Hahahahahahahahaha…

    And I’d be glad if Greece can evacuate me from Singapore.

    Singapore doesn’t need me…Lee Kuan Yew needs PM Lee to have sotongs to produce empty cheques and mess up the place further… and more money. Look at the oppositions… It’s fucking disturbing that the incumbent is not going anywhere and the oppositions raised are a bunch of useless snobs. Hopeless, baby…

    Singapore has backdoors… backdoors for the weak, useless and bloody shits. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha…

    Seriously, I shouldn’t have returned to Singapore. This place is infested by morons! But I did help my wife, and get to see the woman I love… Sometimes… it’s like a trade-off. And also, I got a baby boy.

    I don’t think PM really think Singapore’s got a problem that… to the point needs Elfred. BG Yeo can scream for all he wants… These people… unlike the older batch who tried everything to jam-start a country, and show Malaysia the middle finger, this generation is about looting whatever they could and fight to retain the power and resources… no matter the price.

    It’s a changed world. Khaw won’t resign, even Mah won’t resign… none of them will resign… none of them will work.

  21. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 6, 2011 at 11:13 am | Permalink

    Right on my young friend,the middle finger we show to Malaysia prove we Can Do when we want to,but alas like you say today’s lot is raping the nation blind and if PM call for a declaration of all ministers assets before,during and after their term you will see immediate resignation.

    Imagine one who was dwelling in a rathole,home with no electricty and bucket shitpots today have homes in district 9,10,11 plus overseas assets.How does one amasse such wealth and assets serving the people????ha!ha!ha!.

    Wei Ling wrote in her weekly column about her father’s disease similar to one she has that makes one unbalance.some neurotic disease of the mind or nerve,no savy medical term.

    Personally I think he should just retire and enjoy his grand and soon great grand children.

    Nothing left for him to prove besides proving he is not GOD

  22. Posted November 6, 2011 at 11:46 am | Permalink

    As usual, he could have done much more. He is not perfect and respect is due for his historical role in modern Singapore. However, he has really gone too much and was too much to push meritocracy into this state of… you’d need a cert to kill this nation. If all his deed were to mess up the human resource and sabo his own son, that’s one thing. But he literally pushed the entire government (civil service) down and the people to miseries. So politically, PAP is shaking very hard now.

    In this, yes… he is responsible and he should have reversed the damages. The fact that I am idling and terminated from teaching shows. I have to watch lousy teachers who don’t care mess up the scene and idiotic political opportunists fooling around when nothing is done. But… like I said… if things were to be perfect, I won’t even be needed. Ie, if those people were competent, they won’t push the people to hate them, and we won’t have the chance.

    Lee Kuan Yew… Mixed feelings. He is a great leader, yet he committed one of the most apparent and stupid mistake a political leader can… human resource management. Now the entire city and government is stuck with him in this fucking meritocracy whereby the country is run so well that Goh CT’s daughter rather has a life out there, so are Yacob’s precious family members.

    Singapore’s ridiculous nature is getting blown to the top, and the top is getting blown off for all to see. The people is getting forced to be confronted by the fact that they are governed like shit by a bunch of nutcases. Well…

    So here starts the struggle of Singaporeans to break free from PAP’s anyohow governance.

    And me… will be watching Heng and Lawrence cum Hawazi messing MOE up further when they should have started reforms… But with their calibre… I doubt they can even deal with the private education sector’s mess. Fucking disturbing, this is the kind of leadership as Singapore ages. And the society is giving me creeps…

    And yes, Mr Lee is responsible for all these… even the society. I supposed he used to say moral is not important… I am glad Wei Ling knows the moral of marriage… better be alone than to be stuck in a LAWFULL but loveless marriage. Well… too bad she is alone, but at least that’s the woman.

    Mr Lee can’t retire, his pressence will still large. Now with Tony around… Well… …

    We are in a catchy situation… Lee Snr won’t change the world, Lee Jnr can’t handle the world. So people are turning to the only option left… useless oppositions. Baaaaaaaaah~

    Tell me, what can I do for Singapore? If I have to enter politics, I’d need a team… a real team of real good people for state challenges. I have too many teams gone wild and nutty when they tasted power… We need people who know power is a mean to an end, and we need that people who’d have the same vision of the end.

    Not easy.

    It should make you realise saving Greece is much more easier to be part of the new generation of leaders… You do realise how many Mah Bow Tans in this crap society now in charge of high corporates and civil joints… to deal with? Who created them?


    Such as Goh Keng Swee… … You can say, with Mah Bow Tan around, no one else will have a chance in the eyes of the snobs. Of course, unless times change… drastically. And I am losing patience.

  23. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 6, 2011 at 9:28 pm | Permalink

    I do believe there are men of calibre out there with the IQ,EQ and quality of our founding fathers who made this little reddot to what it is before the rot creeps in.

    Nation,people before SELF????ha!ha!ha! the smell of money and power is a devastating tool for many but the exceptional and there lies your problem my friend to seek out the exceptional.

    You don’t need a monkey with degrees longer than its tail but simple ordinary people like those we once had.

    Mah,PM Goh,Lim SS and many scholar ministers are simple ordinary men when handed the devastating tools could not handle it,thus creating the present DIVIDE.There lies LKY poor human resources management picking meritocracy above all else.

    No rain thunder and lightning this morning,nice day for a walk.

  24. Posted November 7, 2011 at 6:57 am | Permalink

    Well… It’s really the will of heaven. The gathering another team of exceptional people… it takes alot of fate that they exist in the same time, and think the same in the same time, and… situation must allow at the same time.

    Mr Lee’s deeds could be damaging to his son and Singapore but… it’s too late to stop anything, besides… Singaporeans are not known to be the smartest. What is done is done, if Mr Lee will not reverse the damage, situation is going out of control anyway. Surely… people such as Josephine will be regarded a joke to alot of people… Since leadership is impossible, Singapore will have go into ‘labor’. A period of ‘randon’ events will be expected.

    Something must break the impasse, get rid of those ridiculous jokers vying for leadership positions, and real leaders to come in and steer things back to normal. It’s a shame that so many have chosen to commit suicide.

    Power… Only a dream… and the desire to dream can counter the corrosion of power. Only a dream will make money a mean to a materialised end. Otherwise, it’s mostly hoarding of resources. Thanks Mr Lee’s batch, we have tons of such useless people hoarding resources and wasting opportunities.

    Human resource management is seriously Mr Lee’s no 1 issue, as I have said many times before.

    You do believe… But belief must be substantiated. Don’t tell me you are one fanatic…? Hahahahahahahahahaha…

    What a world…

  25. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 7, 2011 at 9:56 am | Permalink

    Belief is in the power of the MIND whom the CREATOR created us above all other creature and MATTER.

    To an Atheist or non believer MATTER is the ultimate reality and that is where Mr Lee failed when he put MATTER in whatever form above the mind(non stop hoarding and wasted opportunities)

    Back to Josepine,Tin and Bee.What the F…. they are doing in parliament is beyond comprehension but than like you said this PM is doomed.

    I do hope you can and will form or join a party(weed out the idiots)and return this nation to what it once was a nation with a HEART & SOUL.

  26. Posted November 7, 2011 at 4:15 pm | Permalink

    This is the only way… but Singaporeans must wake up first. And… it won’t be something fast. The damages done by ‘meritocracy’ is too huge. Like-minded people… the anti-snobs won’t be easy to find.

    Over the years, it was power fight… and the survival of the strongest, not fittest. So now… whenever it comes to problem, PAP is unfit. It’s still pretty strong, but unfit to do anything. Yes yes yes, we have many ministers… about to fail. It’s sad… PM has doomed himself down history. Even his juicy Sam Tan… I am still wondering how many ‘followers’ actually know him? And what can he do…?

    I practically don’t understand why… it seems that the passion and zeal to govern properly in the beginning of PAP are elements of the past, gone… Now anyothing can… Eunice can, Tin Pei Ling can, Mah Bow Tan can, Goh Chee Wee can, Charles Ong can… I don’t understand. Mr Lee doesn’t look incredibly stupid… Nathan shouldn’t be that stupid… How… how the fuck Khaw gets MND when he can’t even handle MOH?

    I don’t fuck understand.

    Yes. A new party is needed. I really hope such a party can come about.

    We got a lot of state works to do, all piled up because the MPs have no calibres. The economy should be remade years back, and not just we having warnings the economy is going to get hit hard. That’s bullshit. We don’t pay millions per ministers to get warnings…

    But I am seriously wondering if Nicole can be the anchor. She’s too young… way too young. Her… approach to politics shows. Jee Say is too ‘dynamic’ for his own good. Cheng Bock… he’s just an old man… How the hell can he start something decent?

    We’d need the ace of the ace team to deal with multi-corners fights.

    Honestly… I am not the type who have alot of love for Christians. Hahahahahaha… especially Catholics. In my… view, Catholics are troublemakers. I don’t know, it’s just my feel since young. I have seen many christians sin like no tomorrow. Hope you don’t mind this… My belief is very simple… This stupid island is lacking leadership clear cut, troubles will be coming. And… if Greece is willing, I’d be happy to get my rewards and PR aiding Greece.

    Hilariously speaking… The girl now married whom I love… She is a catholic. Ironic, isn’t it?

    Faith aside… I don’t care about religion, cos they won’t solve state problems. And now, Jerusalem is saying Iran will be joint-attacked because of Iranian nukes… Nosense… … What do you think, Reddot? The holy City of Heaven is bullshitting… Hahahahahahahahaha…

  27. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 8, 2011 at 2:09 am | Permalink

    Elfred you may not have a lot of love about Christians BUT we CHRISTIANS???(True or False) will love you because we have a GOD of Love.

    Religion is the ultimate state of mind and that is why Human are able to perform to such high level as compared to the other creatures the CREATOR create.Human are made in His IMAGE but a lot of human thinks they are HIM,ha!ha!ha!(the day when the planet of the Apes becomes reality will be the death of GOD) no offence to followers of anthropologists believing that men evolve from Apes but we may have some in parliament currently ha!ha!ha!

    I am a Christian and a follower of Christ whose ultimate teaching is to LOVE and not LUST. Alas!!! we are all human(given a free will)to lust and the good we love to do we seldom do but the bad is always tempting enough for us to do.

    To each his own in thinking and belief and like Jesus once said render to Ceasar what is Ceasar and to God what rightfully is HIS.

    Politics and religion is a disastrous mix and I shall not dwell in it but quote an occasional wise saying.

    Religious DOGMAS & CUSTOMS are definitely a no no for me.

    I think I have made my self clear my dear Elfred.

    Back to our ‘cocks’.Power fight of the strongest and the fittest is clearly seen when Mr. Lee recently step down bringing along with him those who are a threat to his PM’s position of strength.Sadly its not the fittest that step in but the weakeer.

    Issuing warnings of the economy and threats regularly are the ploys frequently used but in today’s world with education and the internet they must be IDIOTS to think it still works and I totally agree with you its BULLSHIT just to ensure they still enjoy their millions.How else do you think IDIOTS can earn that salary????

    Your take on the various name you mentioned are spot on and may I add one more who enjoyed privileges like non other and hilariously he was the Human Resources top man for HP,yours truly
    Mr. Wong Kan Seng,now you know why Human Resources is the weakest link in the Lee family.

    Elfred, do not let religion come between your love of another.There are many I know who regret for not marrying for love because of religion. GOD said go forth and multiply,He did not say go forth and multiply among your own kind,after all he made all human in his IMAGE black,white,yellow,brown except blue or green which were made in the imagination of MEN(Incredible Hulk & Avatar ha!ha!ha!) must not lose my humor or I will go senile.

    Three great religion that share the same BOOK but interpreted in their own ways is the result of the current problems plaguey the world.(no need to say more)

  28. Posted November 8, 2011 at 2:39 am | Permalink

    Love me, and what will you christians do for me? Hahahahahahahaha…

    Other than my wife, I do love her. But she is married. It’s not Catholic… I have no love… no regards to Catholics though it is in me to feel that Catholics are more like troublemakers, fanatics… Nor do I hate them, nor do I love them. That’s why I am not a Christian. And I never thot of converting to Catholic because of her in school. In fact, I feel lesser love for Catholic when I knew she is one.

    Love… is a difficult thing for me. I have to tolerate my wife’s… behavior, that she has no real love, that she is a confused woman, that she has a bastard son, that I feel oblige as a human to care for her and consider her interest against mine. And also… love is the force that prevents me from taking peeps of that woman I love since school times… I know where she is, but I cannot see her. The more I know, the more my heart sinks.

    I am a man of great ability, one enough to save Greece and turn it around. I guess I am blessed and cursed in a way…

    Reddot, I love that married woman very much. Hence it doubles the pain. We met again a few years ago… it’s not a blessing. But it’s a blessing that she appeared again when my wife was fucking someone else…


    To be honest, the state is now enjoying a huge bout of nosense. But the most and ultimate reason for any changes… possible, would be Lee Hsien Loong’s own desire to thrive. Ultimately this is politics. Which is very puzzling… unless the PM is an idiot… why choose untalented morons and make his position worse? Is he giving up the fight… by throwing the ministries on fire to incompetent hands?

    It’s not a threat, the economy is going to be hit hard. And what is the casino going to do? We are hearing great profits from the casinos, but we are getting big financial issues from the economy and the people. I still remember the great singing for the casinos before the parliament went ahead with them. It’s been years…

    I am not a follower of Christ… I am follower of the ultimate good. I earn my way to Heaven being as good as mortally possible… not because I am sucking up to Christ. Hahahahahahahahaha…

    What is the use of being Jack Neo when I can have no religion but to be a good-doer?

    Whenever I heard about Christian nuisance… I feel sick. Yes. They should be taught to love… but they are nuisance. There are good Christians… ultimately, it’s not religion, it’s still the mortals.

    I suffer because I love…

    With the ability to save Greece… I hope Greece gets the message fast, because the longer it drags, it’d become eventually hopeless for both Greece and me. It sounds delusional… but this is reality.

    As for PM Lee… We have already gone through his situation times too many over the past years.

  29. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 8, 2011 at 8:57 am | Permalink

    Its not what Christians can do for you but what Jesus Christ can do for you.He came to serve and not be served.His followers ways may or may not be His ways.That is why I find the Bible so intriqueing.

    You will find everything written in it that concern men & women i.e.rape,incest,murder and all the sins comitted by human in the Bible.To top it all the father of the people in the Book committed adultery with his maid as he was than married to a barren woman so he thought.

    David, one of the greatest King among the Jews and son of Soloman lust for his leaders wife and plotted to kill him in order to have her.

    There you have it just as it was written no punches pulled but open book for all to read,interprete and understand.Unlike LKY’s memoirs and hard truths remaining until the lies are unfold in the future ha!ha!ha!

    Surprising that with a billion Chinese and less than 1% Catholics who were driven underground by the communinsts you are able to pick one Catholic to marry or am I wrong that you in love with a married woman from your school days who is Catholic?Elfred, you are truly unique and at times confusing.

    Jack Neo? no comments on his denomination of Christias. City Harvest or the other one who was a Catholic Singh turn pastor.

    Back to local politics. On sunday Lky visited Holland Grc and told its resident not to sell their flats as prices wil go up.This is what he had been saying all these years.HDB prices are very valuable but that is suppose to be public housiing and not private for speculation?

    What is your take and Vincent Wijey’s Election comment of Singaporeans being asset rich but cash poor unlike the MPs & Ministers who are asset and cash rich.

  30. Posted November 8, 2011 at 4:51 pm | Permalink

    Jesus died for me, and you won’t. Hahahahahahaha…

    I won’t mock Christians more than the fair share they are getting from outsiders. Unless you expect a man dead for 2 thousands of years can move a finger and land me a good job… I doubt for all his love and his followers’ love, he can do much for me.


    That girl during school is a catholic, but insights cast a shadow over her character given her associates… And I don’t understand how her private life married could be one hanging out overseas with group of boys… I don’t understand what she has grown into. My wife is now only in name since we have separated. It was a bad move to return to Singapore… because I met that girl now married; it’s a trap, she’s a killer, and I can’t help thinking of her ever since and it hurts my heart. I knew she was the One, but something stronger held me back during those days…

    Things would have gone very differently if we were together.

    I am surprised you are so interested in Vincent’s talk because I am more interested in Israel and Iran now. Israel, the prime of middle east for the USA… Iran, the beacon of light for Russia and the Chinese. Israel can’t invade Iran without USA’s direct support, but that’d likely draw Russian wraith… And you are talking about Vincent…? Hahahahahahaha…

    Singaporeans… if you want to know… are just so dead.

    To me, for instance… you guys might have a million in the bank… have house in Malaysia or condo in Singapore… Not my problem… When my parents passed away, I’d say goodbye, I’d move… Not a big deal.

    Actually, eventually Singapore will be wiped out… It’s just now a matter of time. So… you can say Singapore is a dying race. With assets or cash, it’s not going to last.

    But in comtemporary context, it’s natural that Vincent is talking ok with regards to the ministers and MPs in relative to the have-nots. Otherwise, Singaporeans won’t be called the have-nots.

    I supposed Mr Lee is expecting all concentration of buyers from China and India once both economies got hit by the liquidity suck-hole… I am wondering… how huge an inflation does Mr Lee wants? Given, Khaw must have dealt with housing properly before he could herald an era of even more expensive HDB resale based solely on inflation. Otherwise, I don’t see how the ‘extra’ margins or wealth created through such increase in book value is really matched by a hype in productivity… of WHAT?

    Basic economics… Mah killed himself, Khaw killing himself… so I wonder if Mr Lee has any idea what he is driving at.

    In short, it’s still the housing issue, and WHO is doing it. If you have me in the job, of course it can be done. But Khaw is in the shithole, not me. He’s definitely going to fail big times. So if you ask me about Vincent’s talk… Fine, he’s right. But if I let him manage the relevant ministry… can he work? If he can’t, then his talk is cheap.

    It’s the same as Yaw. If you observe him in parliament, he’s not the type who can handle a ministry proper at all.

    We have too many mouths willing to complain, but no one to do the job. PAP won’t and can’t do the job, the oppositions won’t and can’t do the job. Reddot, what do you expect? If nobody is doing the job and this is going on, then Singaporeans are not doing the job at elections. So Singapore is doomed. Hahahahahahahahahaha…

    You have to bear with Mr Lee… Other than human resource management, I am very confirmed he is lousy in economics… state economics. His forte is still laws and system.

    Let me throw back this question to you… how do you handle housing? Hahahahahahahaha… … What is cash? You do realise if you don’t know how to handle the ‘assets’, raising cash is only pushing inflation.

  31. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 9, 2011 at 1:33 am | Permalink

    Elfred, I always find it refreshing bantering with you even though I have to drill through the riddles at times.What the heck, we are here to ‘talk cock’ with common sense and not writing a thesis to show the world we are “genie-asses”.

    Jesus & Christianity had and will withstand the mockery of the world which has been going on since He walk the earth 2,000 years ago.

    He died a horrible death carrying the burden of SIN at age 33 to show the way as the WAY & LIGHT of the world, is the TRUTH that exposed the lies in the hypocritical scribes of the day which still exists till today.( now you know why the GOOD die young ha!ha!ha! my thesis )
    Listen to the Pastors,Priests and Politicians the 3 Ps and you will understand why we need the TRUTH at all times.

    Jesus is the only Teacher,Philosopher who claim DIVINITY. All others like Confucious,Loa Tze,Menzies,Buddha etc.etc. were elevated to godlike status they NEVER claim divinity or a GOD stature but a way or path of life to achieve happiness or nirvana(Heavenly Bliss).

    Yes, agreed the oppositions during pre election may not be able to solve the problems in the ministries if given on a plate after the elections should they win but I am sure they will not fare any worse than those currently holding the post.Ahhhhhhh! waste of time lah! Singapore is doomed unless there are another 10 like minded Elfreds in parliament or a repeat of the founding generation.

    The middle east supposedly founded by a man name Abraham/Ibrahim who happens to be a Jew and had sons by a Jewish wife and a Arab slave/maid and was told by God to “Go Ye and muliply” not only among the Arabs and Jews but other races too and that should make us all brothers.Is that not right????

    Yet today the brothers or half brothers are killing each other for Power & MATTERialistic wants ha!ha!ha! what a world we are living in.Jesus in TRUTH is the REALITY in this world of ILLUSIONS.

    Israel bombed Iran years ago when they suspect Iran was going nuclear and will do it again without hesitaion with or without US approval as it is for their own survival.This may escalate the crisis of the world even further,what with the national debt of Greece & Italy not counting Ireland,Spain,Portugal and many others in EU.

    Singapore was invited as an observer @ G20 summit and make a great hoo haa so was Indonesia and Ethopia one a totally corrupt nation and the other a 4th world country if there is a world worse than the 3rd.No big DEAL lah!!!!

  32. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 9, 2011 at 1:44 am | Permalink

    Elfred, you HAVE to BELIEVE in HIM in order for HIM to fulfill your wishes which have no malice or greed and should it not be granted than you to search your soul or conscience why it was not granted.

    “Seek and you will find,Knock and the door will be open to you” try seeking Him and knocking His door it may help, if you don’t you will never ‘KNOW’ and last but not least you must have the “FAITH,HOPE & LOVE” without which all is FUTILE.

  33. Posted November 9, 2011 at 2:52 am | Permalink

    God won’t save Greece, I can. So it’s better to believe in me. I am not really into arguing on religion, cos it’s usually a girl-thing to be blindly and aggressively defend Christianity and heart-throb Jesus.

    Basically, I do love the now married woman from school days, if she divorces and we’re together, what do you think of the chance of me converting to Catholic?

    That explains.

    To me, religion is religion. I do believe in ghosts, but that’s science given my encounters with ghosts… and once with alien. Hahahahahaha…

    It’s already mortally combat trying to be good in a hellhole.

    The Iranian situation is unlike the previous… bombing, terrorizing and bla bla bla, now Israel is hoping that what happened in Libya happens to Iran. It’s a totally changed scene. And I doubt bombing will ever stop a state’s nuclear plans… but it would result in open excuse to bomb back.

    The beauty of international relations… …

    What I am looking at are the factions of the world. People are thinking wars… That’s good.

    Given, I really doubt you are 67 years old and migrated, but it’s still good to ‘banter’.

    Singapore is one that is excluded from a lot of happenings in the world, other than those relating to money. Even that, since calibre is lacking… Singapore can’t handle.

    Basically the $1 trillion raised for Greece… Can it hold the entire EU? Hahahahahahahahaha… I have been thinking about this EU thing since many years ago. Well… economics. Those were the times when debts are great. Hahahahahahahahahaha…

    What I am more interested in now is the armed era…

  34. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 9, 2011 at 6:58 am | Permalink

    Drop me a personal note in my email and we can meet for coffee.

    If your old flame is divorced and share the same feelings than why not if you can relate and find equal yoking in her.For all you know she may be your soulmate and God has funny ways in bringing lost or unfound soul into his sheep pen.

    After world war II I doubt if the world can face another world was unless God decide that the present world is over crowded and allow the Devil his plans.

    Is there another Hitler & Mousonelli from Germany/Italy in the horizon or is it now Obama???

    Whatever and whoever that starts the third WW the human race will be reduced by half if not totally wiped out from the face of the earth and the monkey’s may take over and God with his flock of sheep will move elsewhere.

  35. Posted November 9, 2011 at 7:14 am | Permalink

    I’d meet you when I got a job.

    She is not an old flame. And I don’t want her to be divorced. As much as I love her very much, hence I also want her to have a great marriage till the very end. If we actually got together, because of love, we might actually fight over that guy… Sometimes, in reality… love can be very very… it can be the very reason why it might be better to stay apart.

    Besides, ever since my wife, too much resources have been expended. I desperately need to restart my life.

    If she is divorced… I only know divorced or not, I’d still think of her all those years. It’s just that ever since we met again, the feeling got too strong, and it’s pure devastation to learn she is married. Hahahahahahahaha…

    The world will face another world war, trust me. I am not looking at a reduction by half… Whatever it is, it’s too early for the common men to talk about it, so we talk about the current and coming crisis.

    I have a personal war myself now to deal with…

    There are things at times… when a man can only handle so much. Bear it all, it’s simple humanity… the dark side I mean. Hahahahahahahahaha…

    But one thing is confirmed, Singaporeans will stay in Singapore and be toasted… I’d be away with my son by then. I don’t have this, I don’t have that, but I’d survive the war.

  36. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 9, 2011 at 9:05 am | Permalink

    Sorry I did not answer your question on housing….

    Let me put it in a simple way through experience in life and not as an economist or smart aleck.

    I bought my home a 3 room for only about $9,000 when I was earning +-$300. As standard and life improve, thanks to Lim Kim San and the olg guards I managed to pay off my home in less than 15 years and retired with a tidy sum to see through my sunset years.

    Unlike some of my peers who up-graded or even went private housing I stayed put.

    Some made it into the coporate world and with the flipping and speculating became rich but some went bunkrupt in the process.

    Now,today the ordinary children of that generation armed with degrees,diplomas and what have you are unable to afford a HDB or govt. subidised flat owing to the wonders of Mah who incidentilly owns houses in Holland area and God alone where else in the world.

    Tell me in the best simplest form of economics how can this be? when a young graduate is finding difficulties to own a HDB govt. subsidised flat and a ex minister who claims he started life staying in a rented room with eight of his family squeezed in it is today owning these vast assets SERVING the people? or wheeling & dealing in the coporate world in private?

    How man Elfred??? and it is still going on with this illusional success story of third world to first. ha!ha!ha! my toes are laughing or maybe we should just write to Lim Kim San & Goh Keng Swee in the other world to return or REINCARNATE to makes things right again.

    The Buddhists are seeking Steve Job’s reincarnation so that they can bet on him this time without missing the boat.

    This the way the world is El, and I don’t want any part of it especially in Singapore where hypocrites,liars and thieves are plentiful now, unlike before not that there were none but we can live with it and the govt. was able to handle it.

  37. Posted November 9, 2011 at 10:08 am | Permalink

    Dear Reddot… and how are you going to handle the housing issue with your personal experience?

    Perhaps Khaw may be reading this, but he’d be stuck still the same reading this. Hahahahahahaha…

    Actually Mah’s a big issue… But Goh Keng Swee retained him, and you’d be writing to him in afterlife to complain or to ask Goh to be back and retain more Mahs? Hahahahahahahahahahaha…

    Why is there a difference between me and you? Because I make noise when I can handle the issue. See? That’s why I know where to point, what to dig and if needs be, what and where to fill.

    You mentioned serving the people…

    Vincent is definitely not the only one having that idea of his. But we got so many making complains… how many can replace Mah and Khaw and make housing works again? This is back to square one in the Enclave. Basically housing is a major issue in many economies around the world.

    If we’d meet up, do you have a team prepared for the job? Hahahahahahaha…

    The govt’s weaknesses are exposed, the people are about ready to see change… a change that’d bring PAP out and away from history. It’s a change the PM desires when he recklessly staffed… or pulled in those elements to ‘help’ him. The time is becoming ripe for a fight for power. Now… there will always be opportunists fighting for power and I am hoping that a team that would work will seize the power and do good with it, ie. my team.

    Unless there is even another who can handle those issues those morons can’t… I don’t see a second choice about this.

  38. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 9, 2011 at 12:17 pm | Permalink

    Dear Elfred, from the start I told you that I came from a generation that admired the PAP and their leaders.An A-TEAM with the best in every field of humanature:-Intelligent,smart,ordinary humble,hardworking and most important self sacrificing.

    I was just an ordinary worker,union member and one of the many who made this reddot tick with pride and most important happy in what we were doing.

    The problem solvers were the cabinet from the old guard and we were just carrying the torch and message back to our union members and workers.We bit the bullet working from 39hr weekly to 44hr weekly and deprived ourselves of bonus which was non negotiacle than.

    We survived all that and we were happy.I am still happy with my family but that is where it ends today.

    You are the future Elfred and I agree with you even though you are a little eccentric or confusing at times.BUT who the F…..K cares if you can get the job done.

    I may not be smart like Mah or PM Goh but I am definitely no idiot and self seving asshole for sure with homes and daughters overseas and claiming how great a patriot they are.

    Fuck and fuck again if I am going to be around when the redddot sink or is overwhelm by people who speak in a tongue I hardly understand.

  39. Posted November 9, 2011 at 1:57 pm | Permalink

    It’s the internet, so even if you tell me you are Obama it could be possible.

    I am the future… Yeah~

    Thanks for giving me a future. Hahahahahahahaha…

    For all your love, I still a team. This future is going to be a tough nut to crack, and I’d need the best. Nothing lesser.


    That PAP is no more. The current PAP, as Josephine… they are just parasites on the old goodies built by the old folks, handpicked by a snobbish system, designed to be useless, and monopolising a sinking boat…

    Trust me, sometimes you sound like a young girl. Perhaps an impressionate chap from NTUC… I have been to NTUC forum, and encountered a bunch of zealots… assholes… and a Gem who called me a gigolo for nothing.

    Minor menace… It seems that everywhere in Singapore is flooded and infested by looneys…

    I am the future… I am the eccentric future…

    It is said that the Ministerial pay review is coming soon. These ministers… are just employed workers of PM… What is happening to the Republic? The leaders are not chosen by the people… Those who can handle the state can’t move up, those who can’t handle the state won’t be kicked out… at least not that easily.

    For now, I am just a heart-broken man hiding in the Enclave… lurking for that team…

    There must be a team… We must take a GRC… then two… then all… We must concentrate on seeking out people who can take on ministries… not just another Yaw or another Low Thia Khiang or another pretty face Glenda Han… So… Where do we have them?

    The future…

    If we have a team of jokers who enter the parliament for the sole purpose of kicking PAP out in the wish of the people…

    Lee Kuan Yew… Why does he need to make things so difficult for Singapore, for his own son… and for me? Hahahahahahahahahaha…

    How to wake the people up? How to assemble the crack team?

    Another Nicole Seah effect?

    PAP has set up a base to decide who gets onboard… but PAP has a very lousy human resource management in the hands of snobs… that’s very unfortunate. Why open a backdoor and abuse it? Hahahahahahaha… It could have been used for better elements.

    If I am the future, then Heng, Lawrence and Hawazi… why are they hoarding MOE? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha… And they are making moral education a class lesson… They will need culture for moral implants… Does Hawazi know better than me about Culture? Does Heng or Lawrence know? Are they even thinkers? What is moral education beyond a few stories and class singings to them? The society has more ‘moral education’ in churches… and we still have a shameless Jackass PBM Neo under broad daylight… friend of Minister BG Yeo… the promoter of family programs…

    …the fucker of other people’s daughters…

    There is nothing eccentric about me… It’s only it’s very hard to understand a thinker’s thinking…

    Moral education is when this PM realises he needs to let Elfred swollow MOE… Else, moral education fails… right from the top. It’s totally immoral to subject the people to craps when a lot of things are pending to be done and I am idling.

    Temasekreview is coming back… Nice. The cat and mouse game between the police and the online noises shalt resume. At least, TOC won’t make the only calls. TOC is not as neutral as it seems.

  40. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 10, 2011 at 2:27 am | Permalink

    Good morning El, its a beautiful day and the sun is bright and cheery till he dark clouds starts to gather.

    Ya I may be Obama or even LKY ha!ha!ha! does’nt matter, what matters is our thoughts and views no matter how screwed up,delusional and crazy is there for all to read and figure out.

    The powerful team in the new PAP CEC is out and no real surprises,so no real reform or change will arise as each will jostled into position of strength.Most of Goh’s team are out together with him leaving behind only Khaw & LimSS the two clowns without bite I suppose.

    I do believe there are very good men out there equal to the task of the founding generation but are reluctant to step up as they don’t suck up @ PAP’s fisher of talents.

    WP, I thought the Mou guy a high flier from the corporate world is a pretty good catch and PAP talent scout missed him and now hopes to snare him or suck up to him to balance the power of future oppositions.What do you say?

    Low like Chiam are die hard moderates who may be pass their expiry date but than what can two voice in the wilderness do with a pack of wolves howling for their blood in parliament.

    What is needed is to rekindle the fire of the last GE & PE among the reformists but like all elections business as usual.

    Glenda & Nicole would definitely light up parliament if given the chance and even Michelle of SDP is a better bet then the Tin,Josephine and Bee.

    Morals & ethics are normally instill from the home and family before being polished at MOE but in todays context we may be producing to many Shu Min or whatever her name is owing to LKY’s elitist and meritocracy style that is leaving a void of thinkers and doers but having a bunch of robotic followers.

    Forget Jack Neo he is what we call a one hit artiste thinking he has arrived with his rubbish after his ‘I am not stupid’ movie.He should just stick to his hooo!hooo! hooo! in channel 8 and replace the new cross dresser auntie whatever who twist his/her head like an idiot.

    Ok you are not eccentric but just being Elfred that’s fine with me too.

    Temesak Review??? TOC???? I stop reading their blog for quite sometime now.The election results show their ineffectiveness to sway the fence sitters.For fun and laughter I turn to Mr.Brown & Sammy occasionally.

    We have a long way to go in the net even to match the Malaysians.

  41. Posted November 10, 2011 at 4:06 am | Permalink

    In all fairness, those names at oppositions… what can they do? But Chen Shou Mao is definitely more tricky. Hahahahahahahaha… Tricky but not needed. Though he definitely can manage to deal with PAP’s current low standard. Around this time, a lot of opportunists will be coming in… since PAP can’t perform, it’d gradually become a world for opportunists… thanks to Mr Lee and his meritocracy~

    Really, a political leader can’t mess up human resource management.

    Now we are seeing useless ‘debate’ merely at returning fire at oppositions in parliament… Stupid. But that’s OUR parliament.

    Got father got daughter… It’s not just Shu Min but those elitist nutcases promoted by the govt all those years, and what… Heng thinks just because we have moral education in schools we can stop Shu Mins?

    No. I am eccentric. I am not taking offence over such a comment. It’s not abnormal that common people won’t understand what I said.

    The baby is laughing… fucking adorable laugh he got. Makes my day…

    No matter what, Temasekreview is hilarious. And people do read it. However, vote-wise, people will still choose according to the situation. If oppositions want to make it bigger, they will have to get more A teams. It has been what I am looking for, isn’t it? The best of the best… Only by presenting stronger teams can the oppositions show the people it has the basis of governance hence to replace the incumbent, and given the incumbent for the reckless slacking all through the decades and change is not possible, people will discard the PAP…

    But so said, if the oppositions have seemingly better candidates but who subsequently can’t perform as the PAP’s…

    Hopefully the people will get fed up. Hahahahahahahaha…

    You see, unless the people know what is needed, true talented state managers will have to overcome snobbish wall of trash.

    But a good team is still needed.

    Avoid Sammyboy… I dislike the rubbish there… it’s too indecent for my type.

    If they are good men and women out there… as what I demand of Vincent… can they handle the ministries? See?

    It’s no use getting into the parliament with the anti-PAP sentiment and can’t function… then the state dives. Just because of some opportunists’ ambitions, Singapore is sacrificed. Then it’d be the same… just because of some snobbish asshole troublemakers, I be terminated from teaching and blocked from state managing.

    Just like your wish to call Goh Keng Swee in his afterlife… He’s likely to come and retain more Mahs…

    Well… You have to know what you really wish for, Reddot.

    You have been in the Enclave for long, I hope you can see things better.

    As for the coming election… I am really wondering what the PM is going to say when he has to issue all the empty cheques.

    No one will be left behind… … Big words, but does he even has the orchestra to blow if he doesn’t himself has the capability to deliver?

    Don’t underestimate Jackass Neo… he WAS the most popular Singaporean… … See? Singaporeans are DAFT, and Singaporeans are so defensive…

  42. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 10, 2011 at 5:19 am | Permalink

    Jack Neo was famous for his STUPID antics and the people who watch him are basicly STUPID? or just need some stoopid performance as there is no other choice.Previously they had Wang Sar & Yeh Fong ha!ha!ha! @ channel 8. channnel 5 has that just as stoopid Noose & Gurmit.

    That’s the 1st world we are in ha!ha!ha!

    Wifey took me on a reluctant ride in the new circle line during offpeak today @ 10am with a few of her friends and I must admit that after almost 10years of inconvenince the circle line is truly a great achievment bar the idiots in parliament.

    The system is in place,the infrastructure is good if not perfect,with the floods and barrage that is partly to be blame.Why is the cabinet that IDIOTIC? the good people that laid out and planned the system & infrastructure are or were from the civil service and public sector why are they not put forth instead of the idiots????Kakai nang or bring in your own to assure loyalty??? your guess is as good as mine.

    Goh Keng Swee retain Mah because he has degrees as long as a monkey’s tail and was LKY’s blue eyed boy and when LKY says so than it must be so.By the time Mr.Goh realised his mistake the rot is beyond him and he threw in the towelin the 80s and things just got worse and spiralled downwards in the 90s and the new millinium.

  43. Posted November 10, 2011 at 5:27 am | Permalink


    You are getting too radical.


    How old is your wifey, may I ask?


    It is a changed era. Mr Lee’s… old way of attaining power if used today would be more harm to himself.



  44. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 10, 2011 at 9:44 am | Permalink

    Am I radical or just trying to place the PLAIN TRUTH as it is.After all the truth always hurts.When you are a public figure ,you are open to total SCRUTINY,maybe my comment regarding people watching Jack’s movie being stupid is over the top but i followed that remark with a ???? ask yourself and if the hat fits wear it.

    Anyway,you should tune in to BBC when British parliament is in session to watch and hear the debates.”Fuck you” and “Silly fool” is commonly used between Brown the then PM and Cameron the opposition leader ‘Radical’ or honest vulgar comment??? ha!ha!ha1

    Wifey is old enough to be a grandma.

  45. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 10, 2011 at 12:01 pm | Permalink

    Mr.Lee???? Like all Antiques it is best displayed and not use,once broken it is useless.

    Why can’t we be just a normal nation? with normal citizens going about their lives somewhat like Hong Kong,Taiwan or better still like Monaco and Swizerland.

    Why be number one this number one that buy talents to achieve for number one status.

    Why can’t we be like before no need to buy and we produce Tan Howe Liang,C Cunalan,Chee Swee Lee,Majid Ariff,Fandi Ahmad in sports.Creative founder in IT,Legal minds in the likes of Tommy Koh,D Marshall and many more. All these came about in an ordinary enviroment and most are ordinary people no elitist, meritocracy or pressure to succeed and losing your childhood and a normal life in the process.

    NS is where we sent in our boys and bring out MEN with a bond only those serving NS can understand.Why push them to a limit than take the cream and leave the rest BEHIND? and replace those behind with foreign talents?????????Fuck maaaan this Sucks maaaaan.

    RADICAL or commonsense my dear Elfred?????

  46. Posted November 10, 2011 at 12:29 pm | Permalink

    Seriously, you don’t sound that old to me. But whatever. Try not to bother with Sammyboy and the likes of the forums since I don’t usually have a good impression of those havocs.

    They don’t have the calibre, but not necessarily they are idiots. Morons perhaps… Fools perhaps…

    Scolding them is useless. Now that the situation has come to this, and this term… the PM won’t really survive with all the empty cheques… … … … It’d largely depend on how the existing oppositions play their cards… to our advantage.

    It used to be, when I was in the YP… that alot people attacked me that I don’t know the truths, that I am an idiot that if PAP isn’t voted against PAP will not wake up and such… Do you think I know not the truth? Do you think I don’t know the need to ‘wake’ them up. But this sort of things… are for the rest of the people, not for those in the Enclave. We don’t need to dirty our hands. Our agenda is, afterall, to build a better place as this place sinks.

    Meritocracy… It’s a system whereby…

    Even if you are an idiot, you get the cert, you lead… It’s called ‘fair chance’. I called it monstrous disaster. I mean… How can you fill important positions with armies and armies of moronic simpletons from charities to corporates to civil sectors and… the parliament? This is ridiculous.

    PM Lee once climbed to ‘save’ people from the rail train (what the fuck you called that), I wonder if he is really a good guy. You look at the new guys in the CEC, you look at the cabinet and parliament… He’s not in a setting to serve… to change… It’s more like trying to consolidate power when power is losing because his govt is not working! And he brings in more people to be useless. This is totally ridiculous to me, and worse… I am idling.

    We got a very strange situation now in Singapore…

    It’s perfectly ok to be number one. To me… it’s perfectly ok to be a migrant state. But the problem is, we have management problem. So even if we don’t introduce a single migrant to Singapore, we’d still be stuck with Mah Bow Tans driving this place nuts. You see the main issue is management, is the state management. And sorry to say that… what is the difference between the opposition parties? I see they are the same… all of them combined can run a single ministry in trouble now.

    Why why why?

    I am going to CDC to ask for job tomorrow… No one will be left behind, island of opportunities, and what change… I only know I should get my career. There are alot of issues… but it is unlikely to be solved overnight, especially when I am idling. By now, I should be doing alot of things… but I am not.

    Sometimes, I really wonder your purpose coming to the Enclave. But maybe you need to vent. Maybe you are here to mock at me. Maybe you are just bored. Hahahahahahahaha…


    Reddot, just out of curiousity… If you were to be given a ministry… which one do you think you can handle?

  47. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 10, 2011 at 7:05 pm | Permalink

    Sammy was introduced to me by my graduate nephew who thinks that the political comments make sense.OK lah! you may find some nuggets there but no big deal just occasional browsing.

    My nephew in his forties is a grad from NUS but sad to say politically naive like most or just disinterested chasing the dream.

    Why why why???? and I say why not??? when you have idiots running the show and not thinkers & doers.

    Which ministry would interest me? to be honest I really don’t know but the one to interest me should be Welfare base.

    The enclave is where I can spent time baring my soul and banter even enjoy two way critic without getting all emotional like elsewhere and El I find you interesting.

    Did you mean the cablcar/Enitowok drillship incident??? it took himsometime to resolve that and his appearance on TV was disastrous.

    Had I been in charge, I would bring in helicopters with a longer than normal winch hovering at an altitude which would not endanger the dangling cars with the helis draft.

  48. Posted November 11, 2011 at 2:18 am | Permalink

    MCYS? Hahahahahahaha…

    It can be improved, and need to be improved. Assuming you man that ministry, what would you touch on?

    Basically, there has been the notion of doing something about Welfare in the recent parliament talk cock session. I am not very sure…

    I sure hope CDC won’t fail me this time.

    But seriously… what kind of jobs does CDC has for us?

    I think sending in helicopter is ok. Air drop the technician direct from above or a grabber or something. But left or right, whatever gets it done is good idea.

    I am now watching the Italy ‘crisis’… I suppose if that crap president is ousted by the crisis, a new president might help the situation. But the markets went down instead. Hahahahahahahaha…

    The problem of democracy is as such everywhere… Badass hijacking the top positions for selfish purposes… bochap the state issues…

    Fucking sad.

  49. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 11, 2011 at 5:17 am | Permalink

    MCYS??? ahhhhh! I thought so and who are/were the jokers running it????? self-glory idiots hitching a ride for better things to come.

    I remember in the late 50s to early 60s we had a Social Welfare dept where if I am not mistaken Mr. Goh Keng Swee hailed from.Though we were under colonial rule thay really went out of the way to sek out the poor and less privilege to help them out.I should know as my brother was a welfare investigator and he had to ride his bike into the nook & crannies of attap huts in Bukit Ho Swee seeking and investigating cases.

    Today, MCYS sits in comfort doing fuck-all waiting for people to come begging and that does not assure help.

    There are citizens long forgotten for their contribution,staying in 1-room rental and old folks home that truly need help.The beauty of this lost generation are their resiliance and pride.They will NEVER BEG because all their lives they slog under horrible conditions to eke out a living.

    MCYS or whatever do know who they are but will not move to seek them out thinking that the govt had done enough to lift us from 3rd to 1st world.FUUUUCK!!!!THEY will NEVER BEG and would rather die in poverty and filth but with DIGNITY.

    Every ministers and their entourage of ball carriers are sitting in comfort waiting to be awarded on National day but never take that extra step to seek these poor souls out unlike the time when we were colonial or 3rd world?????

    How long will this bullshit and hoo haa last maybe for this term and when they win with a better margin the next time back to normal.

    We need people with the 50s &60s mentality,people with a heart irrespective of whether they have the brilliance or not.Look at Goh Keng Swee born comfortable work for the welfare dept and spill over with that heart for the people when we became independent.


    Finally,David Marshall our 1st Chief Minister is given some accord by naming SMU moot court after him and his wife had to contribute the bust of Marshall who deserved to be honored.

    Let me be a little ‘chiong hei’ and tell you about Marshall.

    When I was young before tv came we had to huddle around our radio to listen to life forum debates between Marshall,LKY,Lim yew Hock & Leon Soh and those were the days when debates on political issues were like music to your ears.Today???? ahhhhhh Fucccccck wasting time.

    Marshall had a home in Tanah Merah which he had to give up when Changi airport was being built.My generations favourite past time during school holidays were to camp in Tanah Merah/Ayer Gemaru or changi point.

    There was a fesh water spring @ TanahMerah so most campers head for that area to camp.
    Marhall’s home was on a hill 20-30 meters from the spring and his home has a long drive way.What that David did will never be forgotten for those young campers who had to line up or even fight to get to the spring for fresh water.He built a tap just at his gate for those who knows to enjoy fresh water and that is the man long forgotten like most from that generation.

  50. Posted November 11, 2011 at 6:52 am | Permalink

    Guess I’d have to pray for more luck from CDC for the job. Hahahahahaha…

    Times have changed for the worse; good old days when the govt sought to wave middle fingers at Malaysia… now our charity and many sectors are corrupted all the more… and the people ain’t as proud when officials from both sides are considered now useless… and our are considered useless with good backings or records. Hahahahahahahaha…

    Now gahmen is like a big golden rice bowl… it wants big money, it gives big money to itself and never mind the world crushes… For a moment, Singapore was in good shape, but PAP chose not to build upon it, and even then SM Goh was suggesting Jack Neo to be an MP… for of course only snobbish reason. There are more people who are worth the seats than Jackass Neo. And then PM Goh was yelling ‘where are the white knights’ when Durai was killing white knights, Ming Yi was killing buddism in new lights… and many of his associates were despicables and end up… Lim Biao Chuan was like taking back his words that when a man makes it, it’s very usual he fucks around… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…


    PAP… gone case liaoz… Now the issue is who will succeed this pile of rots…?

    PM said CEC’s change’s priority is for change… You look at this term’s new blood… Who will believe? We are not naive… He dares to introduce so many inferior chaps, and hand all those portfolios to morons who can’t work… Just look at the parliament talk cock session… Nothing change after they bow and left… It’s just bullshit all the way. You can’t expect simpletons to effect meaningful changes… not forgetting meritocracy is no matter you are an idiot, if you passed your exams come out from university, you can make this world a crap.

    Mr Lee always associates smart people with university chaps… His son is now dragged down by ivy leagues such as Mah Bow Tan… and Khaw is struggling for his political survival. Should the oppositions have increased standards in the coming election, whether Khaw can retain his 50% range will be interesting. That also applies to Lui and a couple of ministers. It’s practical politics… the reality.

    Thanks to the PM… the rise of opportunists are possible… since if you compare their standards to the current parliament’s standard… the opportunists might even be higher while at the same time useless.

    Checking public sentiments shows very few people even expect the ‘new’ what fourth gen leaders can handle the contingencies. So now the ball is in the oppositions’ court. If the opposition can strengthen further, a bit further will erase a couple of 50% PAP turfs, and more GRCs will fall into oppositions’ hands. And given this risk, the PM still dares to introduce Tin Pei Ling and craps into parliament and fool around with the portfolios… Seriously amazing.

    Of course… perhaps my assessment is wrong lah…

    Since the crisis is coming, Temasek will be facing challenge again.

    Singapore has been too long an island of craziness… if they shalt be change, it must target these craziness… Else more Shu Mins will be able to creep into leadership positions, more Siew Kims will want to sue those who are anti-Shu-Mins. In such a tiny island… when it is approaching disaster, instead of defending, we have people wasting energy fighting for the wheel…


    What is the point of a republic? It’s like a whole shit now dangling in MOE and I am still here idling… watching Heng wasting his sweet time. Without reforming MOE, how do you modify MCYS??? That’s the point in the question I’d like you to make. That’s because meritocracy… this crap has eat into the rudiments of welfare in Singapore. Without straighening these Singaporeans’ brains… marriage will be just decisions, love will be skewed, opportunities will be given to simpletons, there will be no aid to the correct parties, and when it comes to competition, the backyard will be on fire and the idiots will be spearheading as vanguards… Then we’d call for more casinos… then more hawkers will be screaming at casinos to dispense $400,000 and such…

    The inflation… baboooooooooom~

    Nobody likes to beg. But even Singapore begged for assistance to build an army, and we had no choice but to engage Israel when Indonesia wasn’t too pleased with us… and we were having issues from Malaysia.

    Alot of things changed… for worse.

    Now we have a PM seeking business leaders to make this world… even worse place to live in. And without business leaders, why not Tin Pei Ling, Ang Hin Tin or whatever… who cares? They are pointless, useless, and can be ignored; and they are called ‘leaders’.

    You read about the solar power deal in Singapore? Taxpayers are paying the companies thru Town Councils… so that taxpayers can pay thru town councils when those companies sell energy created on the back of taxpayers’ money to taxpayers… Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…


    This is how they intend to solve the energy problem. How creative.

    I know not of the old days…

    Anyway, since Italy’s biggest troublemaker in parliament is removed… the way is paved for the third largest economy in EU to reborn… It’s odd that there is no celebration in the markets. Hahahahahahahaha… Or do the world think with him around, Italy’d be better off? Hahahahahahahahahahaha…

    Tell me, Reddot… At 67, Lee Hsien Loong is the Prime Minister, and Lee Kuan Yew is still an MP, and… given your interest in politics, won’t you think you can contribute more than coming to the Enclave for some ventilation? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

  51. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 11, 2011 at 8:24 am | Permalink

    You are spot on when you say for a moment we were in good shape right up to the 80s when there was a call for the changing of the guards.

    The builders,thinkers and doers were set aside and replaced by a supposedly seat warmer who took it upon himself that he can build a better Singapore somewhat like Swizerland after one visit to the Swisss ha!ha!ha! I have never stop laughing till now.

    The good shape we were in was locked and a new shape of things begin to take place and the rest is HISTORY.

    Elfred, you, I and a few others know that we are realists living in a world of illusion created by the leaders after the 80s.

    Problems with a captal P and they bring in Tin,Bee,Josephine to shore up the female votes???

    ‘Bo pian lah’ pratically 70% I dare say from my generation and the baby boomers are cursing the PAP today.The younger ones never had it so good so they may stay impartial or show no interest in politics like my nephew still believe that there is a dream to chase in Singapore meanwhile living off their parents hardwork or better still wait to inherit their parents nest egg.

  52. Posted November 11, 2011 at 9:35 am | Permalink

    Realistically speaking… We have about 3~4 years before the next election and given that we have a team and a bunch of supporters, we can make an attempt to do things right. If there must be opportunists… then why not me and my team?

    While we still need those assholes to make slingshots and complains and digging out of those political rubbish of both camps… ultimately, the people will need leaders who work… perhaps as the ‘old guards’, no matter their snobbish human resource management had given rise to such… stuckar situation now.

    You got to understand, they could have stopped Mr Goh Chok Tong from taking over… but who would be next? Mr Tony Tan whose son is now under the spotlight for an 12 years deferment… and a super sweet position…? Or Danabalan, someone who just stomped out for some reason? Or Ong Teng Cheong, who will have no state funeral till this day?

    I am aware of the many… issues surrounding Emeritus Goh, for some reasons. Basically, even the old guards you mentioned… many were in ‘touch’ with Thaksin and… I have reservations over his deal with Singapore that eventually saw the military driving him out from Thailand.

    So… …

    I am not a union member. But I have been with the PAP too long, since like from a kid.

    I think that many of the old guards… would have been corroded by power… and many of those who inherit PAP’s regime at a time as Mr Goh actually showed the same stinct people called ‘outright arrogance’, and subsequently Mr Lee’s saying of ‘complacency’. There were no more dreams even since the time Chok Tong took over… it was just money, and how to snatch more money from top to bottom… a game of inflation started, reckless greed as the poor woody from a huge family reached the top of gold… I was observing his associates… making ill-gotten gains, and a couple made it to the news. Like I said, I am interested to know Mr Goh’s memoir of how he ‘transformed’ Singapore. There were no restrains, only promotions to greed and ultra greed, in offices, politics helms… Simpletons propelled to the highest offices, and hell broke loose.

    I still remembered him saying when he took over…

    “I wish I can do more, but Mr Lee Kuan Yew has like done everything…” Something like that…

    I laughed that time… He was at a time when alot of things had to be done! And he basically did nothing… except to open up the media… under foreign pressure and the decend of internet age.

    He could have done more, but he failed.

    And PM Lee will follow his footsteps. Precisely because they don’t get their ideas straight, and fooling around is a definite option. Alot of things went astray after Goh took over, and MM Lee was fighting Dr Chee without realising it ended up the whole lot of imps were learning from him and forcing the court to fend for their corrupted ways with defamation, and defamation becomes a skewed law… and even shops use defamation to try threaten the consumers!

    Even Lee Kuan Yew changed… In his memoir, he did wrote about the need to be careful of legal use… and such. Didn’t he?

    There wasn’t any dreams anymore, but the defense of a goodie bag of goodies… Nobody cares about the consequences. BG Yeo’s lifestyle also went wayward… since no one reported, I won’t say anything.

    Just like my wife… she was an innocent woman, but when she was exposed to the wrong people… she deserted love, herself… changed and confused, she produced a bastard son only into the second year of ROM… Hahahahahahahahahaha…

    Men and women change… when there is no longer a dream.

    Lee Kuan Yew will never realise what he did could have set his son into a stuckar situation, a helpless path straight into the smelly side of history. And now, Bedok reservoir is making news, becoming famous for the wrong thing… that’s after a poor chap deserted by MP jumped and made MRT tracks big news…

    PAP leaders…

    Are they still in the ‘business’? In my case, my teaching cannot go on because of MOE’s termination. I don’t even see much sense in this decision.

    So, to ‘retake’ MOE, I need a team… a team who will not stray from the course… like that Ling How Doong who yaya papaya when he was elected…

    The goal is to set things right once and for all.

    And yes… Where is my crack team?

    I have been here waiting for other ‘Elfreds’ to come by… but so far, only mouths… only the smart alecs… Without the Elfreds, how to change the world?

    Or are you really relying on a cow to make housing works? Hahahahahahahahahahaha… Or do you really expect WP to work?

    There is no such things as miracles, only talents.

    Like I said, what are you gonna do, Reddot? Hahahahahahahahahaha…

    We have 3~4 years before the next general election, if I can get a functioning team, we can give Singapore a fighting chance before more morons flood in and more people have to die. People will usually have to die to epitomise an era needing change…

    Just don’t make their deaths go wasted.

    Mr Lee Kuan Yew should realise by now… PAP gahmen can’t even change the economy in time for a purpose, what change???

    Isn’t our PM talking nosense? Without talents… how to change?

    It’s not daring… it’s the reality, isn’t it?

    With Heng, Lawrence and Hawazi in MOE, what change? At the end of the day, it’s still Elfred…

  53. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 11, 2011 at 1:43 pm | Permalink

    Where do you begin? my kakis are old and some are knocking on heaven’s door but volunteering and support is no problem.

    Its the young ones with the same aspiration,a little naive and inexperience I believe overtime they can be a force to reckon with if the leaders are people they can look up to like the founding generation.

    Nicole comes to mind with her concern for the less priviledge. Its either in you or not and I believe she has it in her.

    Unlike Tin,Josephine and Bee who are basicly…. aiyaaa!!!! lets not repeat its all there for all to see.

    I have seen some youngster volunteering their time for charity and their leaders are people of substance but I doubt if they would be interested in politics.This are the types which will go into poilitics with no glory/rewards in their minds if you can rope them in.

    The onus is on you to convince their leaders to whom they look up to.This was how I believe PAP started with the unions and later the students and their leaders.

    You are absolutely right that Mr. Lee was so busy going after Chee that his own backyard was burning without him knowing or did he knew?????

    Goh potrays himself as a man from humble beginning but there is definitely nothing humble about him and God only knows how many assholes pass through his hands unnoticed beginning with TT Durai,the Monk and Jack Neo celebrities who were caught with their pants down.

    Give me a good reason to stay and see that spark turn into a flame in the next 3/4 years and I will ask my God to spare the reddot just like the way Lot a descendant of Abraham ask God to spare the sinful cities of Sodom & Gomorrah.

  54. Posted November 11, 2011 at 6:41 pm | Permalink

    If today we have not just 6 opposition members elected in but 45% of the seats covered, it’d be possible to convince a lot more people to join in the ‘fun’. Hahahahahaha…

    You are not too old for this. I hope this is not just an excuse against of what you so wish to see possible. Every timing has its own situation, so for now, I can only hope to meet other Elfreds and possible interested souls.

    I can understand why Mr Lee went after Chee, but I reckon he has overlooked the need to ‘respect’ law given his position when people start copying in abusive manner. It’s a regret more so because his speciality would be laws and system.


    I’d give you a good reason to be part of the course. We are in a situation when the people are already discarding the PAP and the PAP, given the way it manages human resource (the same old rotten manner) will hardly prove any different… if you are already old, if I am so much younger, even if PAP fixes you, you will enjoy the fixing shorter than me… Are you sure you have such desire to change and with your knowledge (though you ain’t a thinker) that you really like to stay in the comfort zone?

    This is your home, we are not really fighting against PAP. If we don’t move in, other opportunists would… Mr Lee isn’t crazy. He knows PAP is diving, even an idiot looking at the GE and PE knows. This PM has chosen to offer empty cheques, now the ball is in the oppositions’. PM won’t need us, the world won’t change for us auto because oppositions also lack the calibre.

    We only got ourselves. I am preparing to join the best team available… You should consider.

    I am a thinker, I see Heng in my ministry, I know he won’t work. And I want my ministry back. Hahahahahahahahahahaha…

    Politics from now on isn’t just a naive boy’s game… It’s going to be like in the 50s. There will be a struggle for power among the oppositions to pick up where PAP has left. You don’t need high IQ to know WP is setting itself against the minor parties… and Jee Say is feeling tensed up. Hahahahahahaha…

    Don’t just look at us like naive youngsters… Time is changing, PM with his ‘people’ won’t ever change. It’s going to be a bandwagon for power. If you are not interested, they are tons of people greedy for it. It’s not only you or me who know PM and crew ain’t performing, that any monkeys would do better than those sleeping MPs in parliament…

    What I see it, is that we are giving Singapore a fighting chance. So… if it is possible to step in, don’t just give yourself an excuse… We are not stealing the cheese from Lee Kuan Yew. Mr Lee himself should have realised, PAP is discarding the cheese, we’re just going to fight with the rest for it. The only difference is, I need the cheese for reform…

    It’s going to be morning. Think about it then reply. Hahahahahahahaha…

  55. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 12, 2011 at 1:20 am | Permalink

    I digested your comments throughly and agree thhogh I think it will be a tough call to distinguish the opportunists/liars/con-artists and bull shits from the Coca-cola’the real thing’.

    What more those who start sincerely with noble aspirations may just fizzle out when the going gets tough or worse when elected turn out to be like the PAP bunch of shits.

    You believe in migrants,but today’s migrants are unlike the previous lot Elfred.How are you going to turn their mindset that this is HOME and not a rest HOUSE?????

    How to get respectable/honest/sincere people to believe that what you are about to embark is truly for a TRUE reform and not one that fizzles out like JBJ’s son’s Reform Party.

    Last but not least,WHO are you Elfred??? I am ready for tea or coffee and I can sit you down with people hoping for change but unable to because health & age is not on their side.

    You are wrong to say we are not willing to leave our comfort zone.Yes we are comfortable because our needs and desires are mundane and not idealistic.Most are retirees with pension or living of what they had save and earned during their lifetime.

    There might some fear among some who till this day feel that the PAP’s henchmen are always on the prowl and waiting to score points or taps on their backs for being a running dog.At our age like you say what is ther to lose????

    More important Elfred is to look up the current disillusioned youngster like the ones that challange Goh Chok Tong & MM Lee and caught them off guard by replying stupidly. THIS is the well known fact that beside all the success and awe of their leadership they are human after all.

    Its the silent achievers that we should implant upon the youngster that should be admired,the ones that go about doing their thingfor the nation and never claiming credit for it and retiring peacefully in a humble abode and not surrounded by riches and ball carriers.

    We can never stop the young from being idealistic and hoping to achieve the five Cs that GCT advocate ever so frequently and put most if not a majority living in a illusion that they are rich and living in a 1st world(yes rich in asset on paper only).

    The BUBBLE will BURST and you must not let that happen.You can allow it to deflate gently and all will be well again with GOD’s blessing.

  56. Posted November 12, 2011 at 5:14 am | Permalink

    I can understand your concerns, though the concerns ain’t valid to me… I can only say your interest in politics is still not as deep as the expression you intend here.

    As for who I am… I am just someone waiting to do what should be done.

    If I can’t do what need to be done, then Singapore is doomed. You said that yourself… Hahahahahahahahaha..

    It’s impossible to just ‘deflate’ gently, my dear ardent supporter. This is layman’s thinking.

    In this, housing plays a crucial part in the ‘deflation’ idea, but I can safely tell you, no matter Khaw inflate the price or deflate the price, as long as he meddles too much in the free market mechanism, he fails. That’s why given his calibre, dealing with housing is almost certainly sure fail. That also explains why the thinking of deflating gently doesn’t really work.

    In another manner, let me ask you… this bubble is at least $800,000 large, assuming it has to be deflated to $150,000, may I know how long will you assume by deflating it slowly? That’s because by the time you deflate it by $150,000 there shall usually be panick selling assuming the deflation rate is a constant $10,000 per year.

    Nicole got talents, that I won’t deny. I will have to look her up to explore her intention for the future. But like I said, she is too young, and if she has matured to the point fast enough is anybody’s guess.

    Like I said, the PM is about 67,if you are willing to leave the comfort zone, you will. Hahahahahahahaha…

    But this is really personal choice… Not everyone can be a leader, and definitely not everyone is willing to be a leader. I myself am someone somewhat an unwilling chap… but if I don’t try to step into the fray, who will do the job?

    Whether I am sincere or not, that’s not the problem. Logically speaking, why not skip me… and see how the job can be done? Hahahahahahahahaha… Neither I nor Singapore has a chance, so when I get the team, I’d step out. It’s a risk I and everyone have to take.

    In a way, that helps you understand certain thing about human resource management in this particular leadership sector. Some elements are coming in for a purpose…

  57. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 12, 2011 at 6:47 am | Permalink

    Many years ago I qustion the justification for the price of AsiaWeek Magazine since gone BUST.

    It was printed by Toppan HK and distributed throughout asia with prices stated for each country it distribut to.

    Malaysia & Singapore was prices @$5.00 ie MR$5.00 and SD5.00 the disparity between the country was 1.8 ie SD$1.00=MR$1.80 yet the price of the magazine was sold @$5.00 in Singapore.The freight from HK to KL & Singapore is hardly that much to justify the difference.

    Is that price we must pay to be number one or 1st world????

    I am no economist or bullshit artiste claiming I know better or had been train in economics but I do have what God gave me known as common sense.

    PM Lee if I am not mistaken is about 10 years younger than me,when I was working he was still following his dad around in his shorts which seem to be the trademark for Mr. Lee to have his children around him on his political rounds(for exposure as future leaders?) I don’t see other old guard leaders doing that.

    The figure of $800,000 was conjured up because some idiot from overseas with PR bought it but remember he may be a con man running here with his millions and 800,000 is chicken shit to have a safe haven or like I said earlier a RESTHOUSE.

    Like the idiots we are everyone rush in not wanting to miss the boat but that is only about 20% of the population.What about the rest????? and here we have LKY saying not to sell as the price will still soar to cater for that FUCKING 15-20% FTs and ball carriers.

    Except for those who wanted to keep up with the Jonses and failed during my time and the misguided gamblers and fuckers in Batam after collecting their CPF most have a home and are ok except the FUCKING cost of living that keeps on going up.

    Work till you die or you will die if you don’t work.Fuck and Fuck again.Down under when you tell them you are still working @ 60 they will say you are fucking mad,what the fuck you need that extra money for to fuck in Batam or fuck in Geylang?????

    Do what you have to do,the 70% frustrated old cocks are definitely there for you if you come up with a game plan and right people but PLEAZZZZZZ…. no rubbish people of people like Chee,Tan Kin Lian and a few other jokers @ the last election.

  58. Posted November 12, 2011 at 7:15 am | Permalink

    That’s the whole point about propensity in Singapore. I hate to shop in Singapore and realised only years ago why so many rushed to Malaysia for shopping.

    Mr Lee is not an economist, and practical economic managers such as Richard Hu is already gone, so now we have a bunch of textbook economics hiving in ‘meritocratic’ Singapore whereby… if you really want them to apply economics to handle the challenges direct, they would be scratching their heads and start babbling textbook cocks to talk. Not good.

    If you expect me to handle election 2016 ALONE, that’s too much. I am by no means a ‘leader’ class leader, that in the older times, I’d at most be the chief minister advising the emperor on what to do, how to decide… To be honest, I am waiting for the next Lee Kuan Yew to come about. You can say, I can save Greece, but Greece must be willing to be saved. I am not one who can lead a revolution anywhere! Hahahahahahahahaha~

    Consider Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s age, you should be more active than him being younger. Hahahahahaha…

    No matter what the figure and who produces it, it’s the buyer, it’s a demand, it’s an establish price. Literally if someone will buy at this price, people won’t want to sell lower. The bubble you are talking about mainly eat into the economic sense of a closed up economy, however, IF people generally are employed and the lowest income and afford the basic needs, this ‘bubble’ will be contained. The problem is, the inflation has gone wayward and unchecked. The Lehman Bro incident shows the slack of the gahmen… as highlighted by USA, our big brother.

    And… who do you think was in charge of finance back then? Hahahahahahahahahaha…

    The PM was the finance minister.

    It’s not easy to be a minister if you are not a ministerial calibre. That’s why we have a catchy issue here… It’s not just a team… it’s a team of people who can take on the ministry. I alone can’t together take on all the ministries at one go. I’d need more Elfreds… And people such as Spare Tyre and such will not be helpful to the course. Too much challenges… literally no real support.

    Even the PM and his father are not helping themselves. Typical Singaporean.

    If possible, I’d also like to bring my son along to seek the support of people. But times changed… Last time, you visited a kampong and half of the Kampong will follow you around. Now you visit a simple block, some doors may be shut, and how many will tail you around? Hahahahahahahaha…

    In the Enclave, we analyse things proper… but to go beyond the Enclave… …

    Who I am…?

    Do you know why I have a new topic with ‘Republic’ in? What is the realism about a Republic? Why do we need it?

  59. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 12, 2011 at 10:28 am | Permalink

    The difference between Mr. LKY and most of us is we have a life,we have a family,we have a God and most important of all we have a reason to live.

    You will have to ask him why he is doing what he is doing???? has he not done enough???? or what he had done is covered with so much lies that he cannot stop.

    Let me tell you an anecdote of a Manager who works 16hrs a day first in the office and last out.Never takes leave and was considered a workerholic.When asked to go overseas he declined ever so often.When the MD requested that he travel with him to a branch overseas for a week he could not decline.

    In that one week the internal audit as well as the external auditers uncovered all his misdeeds that he had been able to manuperlate and cover as he was ever ready with answer for them with his presence,hence his 16hr week and no leave.Ha!ha!ha! even today LTA can be snooked by the millions over the years.How now Elfred?????

  60. Posted November 12, 2011 at 12:01 pm | Permalink

    I feel that Mr Lee has more life than most of us instead. Hahahahahahahaha…

    No matter what he has done… it’s now history. But what he has done has indeed opened up a whole hole for opportunists to flood in. PAP is looking finished as the younger generations are generally aganist incompetent elements… What is a Republic? Why Republic? Hahahahahahaha…

    In face of this… I am not really that bothered about the smaller issues, especially such corruptions… including the gang fights or the rise of gangsters… these are all parts and parcels of a corruption in governance, of bad times…

    I have done my part laying the background of this future to Mr Lee. No matter how he sees it… The current opposition voters won’t change for the current calibre shown by the gahmen. The moderates… will not be pleased by the reckless human resource management bringing such crazy governance… The hardcore PAP supporters due to the past will shrink, and remaining will be the ‘paid’ supporters. This will be the future. I am ONLY focused on the realism of politics… not the trivials happenings which should happen.

    Without me around, this PM is a wingless dragon, his gahmen has no way of reforms. Against contingencies such as the inflation and the economy… take away the influx, the PM has NOTHING to handle the economic growth. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha…


    WHO AM I? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

    No matter what Mr Lee will do, Singapore will not change course. Such scandals are minute issues. In the very end, good governance comes because of talents. Change if must be, comes on the back of talents. There will be no stop of common trash… until the country once again reform, and once again the republic gives rise to talents…

    That’s the whole reason why monarchies gave way to republic, so that talents from any walk of life rose… instead of pre-arranged assholes and morons hijacked the human resource management.

    While you people are laughing at Tin Pei Ling’s story telling in parliament… look around you… ain’t you all supporting more story tellers? I won’t say Yaw isn’t one himself. After the parliament…

    Who will manage the state matters? It’s still the same… UNTIL the rise of talents.

    You have to remember not the trivials, but that whatever Mr Lee has done… opportunists will be flooding in. It’s either the talented got the controls… or another bunch of bloodsuckers.

    It’s not laughing matter. The ball is indeed in the court of the opposition. Once more seemingly better looking opportunists come by, more PAP GRCs WILL fall. The issue is now… how to take this chance, introduce good talents instead of the rise of another pile of craps.

    Why do you think I am so… interested only now? The time has come for a decision to be made. And I have decided if the situation calls, I’d move out. What about you? Do we really have a choice? The situation has already come to this. Before the election, I already warned that PM HAD his choice… but if he messed his chance again, the decision will fall to the oppositions.

    My ardent supporter… digest, please.

    The problem now is not me… it’s Singaporeans.

  61. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 13, 2011 at 1:24 am | Permalink

    A very good analysis of the current situation I totally share.Spot on if I may say so.

    Who are you??????? my dear friend.Are you mad??? are you LKY himself???? or are you an Alein sent to save the reddot??? ha!ha!ha!ha!

    Jokes aside, from a Sultanate,to a Colony and eventually a REPUBLIC.

    What did Sang Utama did??? he thought he saw lion thats it, What did Raffles envisioned??? after only a few months of stay at most, he saw a thriving port to bring glory to King & Country.

    Finally, what did the PAP and the PEOPLE of colonial Singapore do starting from 1959???? from third world to first so say Mr. Lee.

    If I have my rathers I would prefer Singapore as developing rather than claiming 1st world status and having to pay the PRICE.

    The ball is truly in the hands of the PEOPLE to change for the country they WANT.My generation is a dying breed lamenting what it was like and what it should be.Your generation has a choice my dear Elfred to make the change and the genration after ?????????

    For me???? do I have a choice???? to go or not to go????? that is the question.My heart says STAY but my commonsense tells me to GO.

    What can we the nostalgic generation contribute????? Mr. Lee wants us to work till we drop dead like him.Like you say he has a life,a very much better life than all of us put together but is that really LIFE????? or what??????

    Life is about doing what you have to do and be conscious of what you have done.Allow others to explore and allow others to think for THEMSELVES.

    That my dear Elfred is how I think a REPUBLIC should be like. The REPUBLIC of old and Athens come to mind, a people and nation of thinkers and doers which thrives till someone decided to turn into a kingdom or DYNASTY and IMPOSE their WILL on the people,that was the BEGINNING of the END. Sound familiar????

    OK time to give thanks to my CREATOR who creats this beauitful world only to be destroyed by selfish men.

  62. Posted November 13, 2011 at 3:27 am | Permalink

    The ball is not yet in the hands of the people… Oppositions are not the people. In order to have the ball in the hands of the people the people must have the basis to make the decision. Now the people are like puppets, swinging based on superficial unimportant reasons such as sentiments. Which is to say, if you have a good element presented to them it might not be probable the votes shall go to him or her.

    If that’s about life, obviously Mr Lee has more life. Hahahahahaha… His deed has impact for more people.

    Hijacking of any system is possible… Republic itself is merely a system. But Mr Lee never realises that simpletons can hijack back the system…

    It’s not what you can contribute… it’s what the gahmen can do for us.

    Individually, a person is powerless, that’s why we have a gahmen… pooling resources and having a centralised decision maker. However, it’s sad that the pool resources are offered to simpletons in such a centralised decision. Hahahahahahahahaha…

    Your God created those selfish men… So what are you going to do about it? Hahahahaha~

    Men of ability… should not born in Singapore.

    That’s why we need change; that’s why PM is going to fail to change. His change is not about men of ability… it’s more like superficial tinkering here and there. Hahahahahahahahaha…

  63. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 13, 2011 at 10:38 am | Permalink

    The Creator creat men in his image from dust and to dust we shall return.

    He gave us the free will but sadly selfish men at times wrest this freedom from other men and the world is in a mess.

    Mr. Lee and his peers did a good job there is no doubt and his legacy is secured but what happens if he leave this world ‘SUDDENLY’ will his system undure??? my take is definitely not.

    The two successors after him, one supposedly a seat warmer went on to try and usurp total power but failed as his succesor overcame ‘cancer’ with blessing from above but is not doing too well.

    Where do we go from here???? as your earlier post said,the SHARKS are circling,opportuninsts are waiting on the sideline and IDIOTS are still in cabinet and parliament.

    Come next election,there will definitely be changes,more seats will fall and PAP may be in sixes & sevens with power struggle from within???? and I am sure Mr.Lee will be unable to contain it and may not even be around.

    Possible for a new grouping or a coalition to win power and changes for the better or worse will be known.Hopefully, my dear Elffred you will be part of the winning group.

    Men of ability there are many in Singapore even with the talents which you are looking for.The sadness of it all is “why are they not standing up to be counted” or like you say, are they in their comfort zone and awaiting for a disaster before they are willing to surface???

  64. Posted November 13, 2011 at 12:07 pm | Permalink

    Men of talents eh? Hahahahahahahaha…

    Just… what do you think Mr Lee will do if he is willing to confront the problem?

  65. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 13, 2011 at 1:53 pm | Permalink

    What problem??? he is the creator of the problem.

    He can’t remove his son,he nudge him into that position than he step down bringing the usurper along with him to give PM more rein.

    PM instead of taking liberty to rein in and reform he retain some idiots and brough in more idiots ha!ha!ha! to sooth and pacify as the writing are on the wall.In a situation as such there is no place for a mister nice guy.

    Had he remove Khaw,Josephine,Bee and LimSS and not allow the new clowns in things may have been different.

    In NS we sent in the boys and bring out the men,in politics if you sent in the boys we have ‘SHIMS’ (she or him)ha!ha!ha!ha!

  66. Posted November 13, 2011 at 3:08 pm | Permalink

    I am feeling very weak… cold… It’s not sick.

    I couldn’t believe I’d be so stuck because of one woman…

    … …

    Whatever it is… …

    Singapore’s situation is more or less settled. I am more concern about the global situation…

    May GOD has mercy on those mortals… Hahahahahahahahahaha…

    But the GOD I know has little mercy when it comes to low IQ menace called mortals.

    I feel very cold.

    For Mr Lee… his show ends with the financial crisis. For me… It’s war.

    Many people will die… including that Catholic woman I so love… I feel guilty. I know many things in advance, Reddot… yet…

    I just want to leave. You will never understand what I am driving at. I can guide Lee Kuan Yew step by step to sightsee the crisis… but I can’t do anything beyond for the woman I love. Sigh…

    Singapore will be destroyed. Singaporeans will be eliminated. The region will be busted. Hahahahahahahahaha…

    You are praying to the ‘creator’, but GOD is a destruction.

    Before I met her again… I wasn’t scare… Scare is not the word to be used… I couldn’t be bothered. I’d stick to plan, I’d evacuate. I’d live.

    I know she will die… alongside with her children… I can’t bear to see her dead.

    I look forward to the armed era… and now… I feel… … I got mixed feelings… because of her.

    Do you think… if you are like me, if you know things in advance… what will you do?

    I love her very much… I shouldn’t have seen her again. I ran off when I could woo her… hoping to make an easy evacuation… Now… have I done the wrong thing?

    Basically, no matter what… to me… you are all already dead. Hahahahahahahahaha…

    But I have been hoping to make a name for myself among the mortals… …

    … …

    So be it… I shalt be tormented for falling in love with the wrong soul…

    Reddot, there are a lot of things you don’t really know…

    Do you really believe low IQ mortals could have talents among them to rule the world? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

    To us, mortals are just junks… evil, unwashed, bugs… the failures of creation…

    I never expected I am a victim of love… … Hahahahahahahahahahahaha…

    After the crisis… …

  67. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 14, 2011 at 1:15 am | Permalink

    ‘Liak boh kiew’ leh,are you having one of your mood swings.Its ok, I can handle it getting quite use to it.

    ‘To have love and lost is better than not having love at all’ so says a poet.

    God the creator creats and destroys and why not???? after all He is the creator isn’t He,what are mere mortals compared to him and we can destroy lives, and most living things into extinctsion.

    I do agree that there are many things that I do not know but the little I know I will share with whoever is willing to listen or discard it as a writings of a moron.

    Are we doomed as a nation or a people or just as human as part of this world and not the reddot? 2012???? doomsday prediction????? why not,its fun to do some prediction,even the Christians does that by predicting when Jesus will return.Oh! the muslims to believe that Jesus ‘The Prophet’ will return.

    Cold???? oh yes, its quite cold of late and you don’t need the AC on at night ha!ha!ha!

    There is a new biography on Deng by a Harvard professor with passages on the relationship between Deng & Lee with comparison to the relationship of Chou & Kissinger.

    The only difference is Chou died too early without seeing his prodigy Deng making his achievement.Deng retired after setting the wheel in motion for reform and so did Kissinger.

    Mr.Lee did not die or retire but stayed on unlike the rest of these GREATS.

    Maybe,just maybe had Mr. Lee retired like Goh Keng Swee, Singapore would have the talents like the founding generation surfacing and we would not be in this shit.What say you Elfred??? with no disrespect for Mr. Lee’s achievement.

  68. Posted November 14, 2011 at 8:32 am | Permalink

    You know, before Libya messed up, we discussed that overseas… It’s possible because a discussion is possible because we are the type who see things as it is, and I know Ghadafi was finished.

    If we discuss this in Singapore, in here… Just say that you have not reached that level for that sort of discussion. Hahahahahahahaha… That Spare Tyre will certainly laugh and mock…

    It’s no wonder I prefer to stay overseas. Singaporeans are… too not suitable for high level communication.

    I really love that woman… whereby the honor to feel protective towards her… and missing her…

    But I also know there is nothing I can do.

    This world will go on as if should be, and I should move as I should be allowed.

    Actually, whether he retired or not is not the issue since Mr Lee has created a whole bunch of ‘talents’ that even you thot they are talents… but none can aid anything. Reddot, running a country is not building MRT tracks…

    You look at the PM… Assuming Mr Lee will do nothing, since there is nothing he can do for his son anyway… PM is going issue empty cheques…

    His sorry is cheap, his promises can’t be delivered… PM is wasted. We all know the reason… He’s just waiting for inevitable.

    I know why I feel cold… since many months ago…

    Ever since I met her again, a void opens up in me… Especially since my wife’s betrayal… Meeting her again is wrong. It’s just sapping my energy.

    Singaporeans… a ‘race’ deserving to be wiped out… …

    There is nothing Lee Kuan Yew can do now. Besides, the ball is now in the court of the oppositions. Once they have more people, more GRCs will definitely fall. It’s even possible if enough people come about next election, PAP can become the opposition. The people is discarding the PAP. Whatever I said before the election… well…

    It just shows Mr Lee wasn’t serious… because he didn’t see it coming again; the repeat of an ‘golden era’… Hahahahahahahahahahahaha…

    Who can help a patient who wants to die?

  69. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 14, 2011 at 9:08 am | Permalink

    Now you are talking like a PAP cabinet minister,how the world’s political upheaval will affect Singapore.

    Personally El, we have or should I say I have enough headaches with the PAP/Gov.t political bullshit since after the late 80s.Sorry my friend,why the fuck should I care if Libya or the whole Arab world kill themselves or for that matter US and its housing problems.

    My friend,we have enough problems of our own and the PAP/Cabinet ministers are always quoting how smart and talented they are in staving recession,saving jobs unlike other countries.

    You may and have the talent to save Greece and Obama’s woes but please leh,save our dot first lah.(no offence meant).

    Man can only do that much it is God that will do the rest.

    Talking about Tyre,why are they not visiting the enclave??? they should and make it more interesting.

  70. Posted November 14, 2011 at 10:12 am | Permalink

    OMG~ Spare me my peaceful ears, Reddot. Hahahahahahahahaha~ What do you expect Spare Tyre to ‘contribute’?

    If Libya doesn’t interest you, will the future of Singapore be in your grasp as well? Hahahahahahahahahaha…

    Do you know how much money is released by Mubarak and Ghadafi cum Osama alone… Hahahahahahahahahahaha…

    I was merely pointing out… If we need to talk about things… crazier than laymen’s thinking, Singapore is definitely not the place.

  71. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 14, 2011 at 1:46 pm | Permalink

    Sorry leh!!! money talk is not my favorite subject but than we cannot live with out it. Its just madness that this piece of paper or coin or intrument can make life so complicated around the world.

    Maybe we should just go back to barter trading or trading in sea shells.Ha!ha!ha!

    Ok putting aside tyre what happen to jswy and james or even cicada???is my return so boring???? maybe you should invite anonymous back with his cut & paste on economics.

    The money we put up to win medals in world games is truly a ‘farce’ if you ask me, why can’t they come becuse we are a beutiful island in the sun and the people & govt. are so fantastic you cannot find another DOT like ours in the world.

    Look at the athelets and footballers most of them came for the money,passport and poof!!!gone.
    ok the paddlers and swimmer are not too bad they did bring some glory.Toa Li speaks like a typical Singaporean girl,hope sh does not turn into a Shu Min.

    Its the participating and not winning that makes the game and the money spent should be on our own and if they fail so WHAT!!!! Tan Howe Liang won a silver medal in the Rome Olympics and and when his wife need medical treatment he had to depend on kind souls.

    Wong Peng Soon,Ong Poh Lim were world beaters and WHAT???? today they are almost forgotten.

    Khoo Teck Puat & Ng Teng Fong contribute 10% of the cost towards building hospital with the rest coming from the people’s contribution in taxes and what not and the hospitals are name after them.

    Why must it be money,money and more money to entice fales loyalty and patriotism????

    Elfred, if you have the chance, watch this HK made movie in Cantonese ‘Dream Home’ it is a masterpiece of life in HK for thinking men.

  72. Posted November 14, 2011 at 2:58 pm | Permalink

    I may have to be more sad if JSW does come back for explained reason.

    JSW might have discovered the secret to my advance knowledge of everything.

    Besides, it’s still about a few more years before election. And please. I value the serenity here… I can do without Anonymous’ nosense. He won’t listen, and only will be arguing and arguing and arguing and arguing out of point.

    I don’t watch such dramas. I am watching the world, more interesting. Hahahahahahaha…

    I am like totally ignoring the what competition thing… unless I am part of it.

    I am seriously… interested to know why are you people around the Enclave in the first place. But… Hahahahahahahahaha…

    NSP is like wasting time on partying the ministerial pay review… I have a better suggestion, form a shadow parliament outside the real parliament. It’d be nice for me to spot talents… if any.

    Whether Tao Li will be another Shu Min… who the fuck is Tao Li??? Hahahahahahahaha…


  73. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 15, 2011 at 12:00 am | Permalink

    OK I too enjoy the ‘talk cock’ sessions we are having without the ‘Get Smart’ entries.

    Instead of the facebook and rubbish you so often find in the net I find bantering with you a somewhat relief.It keeps me from getting bored and expand a little of my mind on matters I am not familiar with as this helps me from going senile.Imagine a 60 year old friend of mine playing poker on line and telling me how good he is against others and building imaginery farms.How idiotic and shallow can one be??? 1st stage of senile disease????

    PM Lee is giving tips on how to save the economic woes of the world when we have a country debt which is spiralling out of control with an illusionary asset which is not ‘cashable’???ha!ha!ha!

    FACETS & ILLUSIONS are what makes the world go round and with no edges to hold on to as it is round many will fall off.Ha!ha!ha!

    Thaman open or did spadework for a new Uni tied to MIT and a Chinese Uni are they doing it right???? personally,I think Thaman is on of the better ministers in cabinet and being a potential PM is the way to go if they can cut out that nonsense that the reddot is not ready for a minority PM.

    Shit man!!!! Marshall was the FIRST CHIEF MINISTER, if the crap that the top post is not ready to be held by a minority he is the best example to pooh!pooh! that crap. So lets stop talking shit and allow freedom of thoughts for the people as we not that stupid as we were or are made out to be.

  74. Posted November 15, 2011 at 4:45 am | Permalink

    Mr Tharman is a long story. But you have to be reminded that it is when he was the education minister that my teaching with MOE is terminated; and there are many other issues, including those crazy private educators… Why not quote Sanila Utama chap who was from Indonesia?

    There is a reason why a chinese is prefered to be PM, and it has also to do with the islamic region, not only that, Singapore is very much still a migrant state.

    There is nothing wrong to provide more with tertiary education. Those who can study should get a placement each and not denied due to the crap stats MOE thinks. This is stupid, I rather a competition among grads than a competition base on artificially created classes. I am definitely one of the victim. NUS didn’t offer me a place when it should. I saw people with worse results got in… FUCK IT!

    Well… but you are still not interested in economy… Hahahahahahahahaha…

    Actually you are partially right. PM doesn’t know how to run economies, and definitely doesn’t know how to aid Greece… or USA. USA could be aided when Obama first came, but instead they sent the IPS chaps to lim copi, tour and come back doing nothing… and did PM say anything more? No. If you cannot handle various economies, you can’t save the world. The option to have a world saved is only possibly given by those who can… Like myself.

    Can PM handle the Chinese economy?

    Can PM remake Singapore’s economy?

    What can he do? What can his orchestra do than to sing songs in parliament?

    But diplomatically speeaking, there is nothing wrong that he ‘tried’ to sound intelligent and helpful.

    It’s true many Singaporeans will be getting a harder life… if this goes on. I fucking shouldn’t be idling, so… let’s hope a team does spring up that could be of some use to me. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

    You are not interested in the world as well… But the world does have a constant impact on Singapore. What I said is not a doomsayer’s piece, but something… logically would happen, and that requires wisdom in military, economic development and the understanding of real international relations.

  75. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 15, 2011 at 6:00 am | Permalink

    “Chin chia Cheeem leh” its not that I am not interested,its that I don’t know how to contribute towards it or have a solution to its woes why ‘kay gow’ and be seen as an idiot in the eyes who knows only the blind will follow and believe.

    I am pretty sure there are talents of your requirements which can be found locally if not work with those that are in parliament because by than there would be a split not only in the PAP but @ all sides.

    A shadow cabinet consisting of the main ministry is definitely good if you can find the right ones or like Ong Eng Guan once did,put himself as candidate in all areas and hope to be elcted before announcing his cabine or MPs ha!ha!ha! he is a real joker.

    The shadow cabinet should be in these areas: i) Finance ii) Education) iii)Defense iv) Health/Welfare v)Trade and vi)Transport/communications. The rest can take a back seat till your team is in power least of all is sports where millions are poured into useless items like YOG etc.etc. imagine the amount wasted that can do wonders for the poor and helpless less priviledged who fell through the cracks.

    One more thing, you are not the only one denied a place in Uni there are many others too and its a pity because these were the ones who may turn out to be the gems and not the shits we currently have.

  76. Posted November 15, 2011 at 7:03 am | Permalink

    If there were to be talents, I’d certainly love to meet them here… But here, we only have smartalecs and jokers.


    If Mr Lee were to have a system, I am the first to tell him his system sucks and honestly, thank God his son is suffering setbacks thanks to the morons the system produces. Hahahahahahahahaha…

    Meritocracy is bullshit.

    Actually, no need for NSP to have a shadow cabinet… they don’t have the talents for the ministries. It’s however probable to have shadow parliament. Nicole has talents as a speaker, NSP might as well make good use of this. To be honest, I know what a talent truly is in this field. Most are just Ghadafi… ignorance kills him.

    I have enough being a followers to the lesser… low IQ blind trying to lead is crazy.

    I have enough living in Singapore… but I can’t curse my parents to death. Hahahahahahahahaha…

    Tough luck, I got a wife who… is a disaster. She’s the real idiot. And she blames me for everything, and even complained I slapped her to police for ‘violence’. Hahahahahahahahahahaha…

    Normally, to kill her would be ‘normal’ for what she has done. This woman is… hopeless.

    Let’s hope CDC got me the job… … Hahahahahahahaha… CDC…

    Amy Khor said there are plenty of jobs… Yeah right~

  77. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 15, 2011 at 12:37 pm | Permalink

    never cures your parents and try never to curse if possible for it is said that cursed be he who curse.

    Yes it is sad that we have to be led by the blind and low IQ leaders,what to do the PM is blind or just plain weak.

    what a difference the father a tough nut who will not let a minister go for a trivial sin? and even sack or jail them worse still pressure one to suicide.The son??? aiyah never mind lah lets give them another chance.

    who is to suffer???? only the people leh.

    violence is no answer to any frustration,walk away and nobody will call you a coward for it is better to be a life coward with unfinsh business to attend to than a DEAD hero.

  78. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 15, 2011 at 12:42 pm | Permalink

    Amy said there are many jobs,of couurse there will never be a lack of jobs when you can bring in to a tune of more than a million foreign workers to fill posts that Singaporen avoid or unable to fill or salary is a third world standard.Ha!ha!ha! what a fucked up bunch of leaders we have.

  79. Posted November 15, 2011 at 1:50 pm | Permalink

    I won’t kill my wife. Hahahahahahahaha… But… … Imagine I have to live her characters… unchangeable, a character getting nowhere, and giving her the chance ended up hurting me all the more. Divorce is inevitable… To be a good man is to be too tough a life.

    That’s why I don’t like people going to Sammyboy… Not the same type of men over there. And I don’t think you are that old.

    Sometimes I really want to curse my parents. Hahahahahahahaha… They are difficult parents. But it’s probably quite true that I can’t be free with them around… …

    Trivial sin is not the issue. But if ministers don’t have the calibre… there will be a cost to having lesser men in charge.

    Meanwhile… Sigh~ Hahahahahahahahahaha…


  80. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 15, 2011 at 9:31 pm | Permalink

    Oh! I think you meant sammyboy’s porn site,ha!ha!ha! if that is the site there are far better sites than that in the net.

    The site @ sammy’s i mentioned is sammy alfresco or the political coloumn.there are some political gems there and lately i found another site “Tamasek Revealed” by this TR reader i suppose Alex Tan.

    Well the net is full of rubbish and gems depending on what your purpose is in the net.If i am not 67than how old do you think I am a 42 year old grandfather???/ha!ha!ha!

  81. Posted November 16, 2011 at 2:36 am | Permalink

    Mostly, if not all… all smartalecs. We have already an entire parliament of such elements, do we need more?

  82. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 17, 2011 at 5:31 am | Permalink

    Good afternoon Elfred, do you or did you watch CNA blog TV on Bedok suicide paradise???

    A mayor(pretty boyTeo) two TV Radio AH out to grab attention and show their chirpy versatility in a subject of exreme sadness for Singaporeans,three serious ederly Singaporean showing an voicing their true feelings.

    Little wonder Workers Party wants no part in this circus.

    What say you El????

  83. Posted November 17, 2011 at 7:12 am | Permalink









    I don’t watch CNA… Hahahahahahahaha…

  84. CitizenReddot
    Posted November 20, 2011 at 1:20 pm | Permalink


    This will be my last post dear Elfred,as the sun has truly set on this reddot.

    After reading Khaw’s comment on Bhutan one of the last Shangrila on earth that many seek and few find what else is there left for hypocritcal creatures in our cabinet.

    A self confessed devout Buddhist and praised by PM Goh for his calm and buddhists demeanor yet damning Bhutan a totally devout Buddhist nation.

    Buddha, born of royalty left the comforts of luxury to seek Nirvana in the ordinary world he throd the middle path and followers found heaven on earth

    Jesus Christ came down to earth to serve and not to be served.

    Life is not all about large salary,how many houses you own,how much value for a pigeon hole but happiness and contentment with the simple things in life.

    What we have created this little island in the sun is a Devil’s Lair

    A devout buddhist minister who criticize Bhutan and its people over the measurement of HAPPINESS

    An ex PM who said that there is no total HAPPINESS but net net HAPPINESS.

    If they can’t find or create HAPPINESS for their people do not criticize others for their HAPPY DISPOSITION.

    I am truly glad that I am leaving this Lair and though I may not find the HAPPINESS like the Bhutanese,I will definitely be happier.

    Read the artile written by ‘The Singapore Recalcitrant’ on this subject should you find the time my young friend and may you find the happiness that many seek but seldom find.

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